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Primeval (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Primeval (DayZ)

  1. Primeval (DayZ)

    Low FPS rate

    I did what all of you said, and apparently I have like 50-70 FPS average in normal areas. However, I haven't tried it in a city yet, or with low blood levels. One question, if I tweak my settings in-game, will it make the game laggy again? I'm scared to try it, If you get me.. I will update you if anything comes up. Thanks.
  2. Primeval (DayZ)

    Bad version, server rejected connection?

    Any solution to this? I get this when I try to join the server with most players (and some others).
  3. Primeval (DayZ)

    Last Patch fucks up my graphics badly

    Yes my GFX card is updated, NVIDIA GeForceGTX 570. Me and my friend reached the airfield and got this problem, then because of it we both got killed. Bullcrap.
  4. Primeval (DayZ)

    Last Patch fucks up my graphics badly

    I've also been getting this problem sometimes. It's very freaking annoying.