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Primeval (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Primeval (DayZ)

  1. Primeval (DayZ)

    How about a starting weapon?

    How about hand combat? I've always wanted to kick a zombie's face in and uppercut them. ;p
  2. Primeval (DayZ)

    Chernarus Marathon!

    I'd like to take part in this, as a volunteer. I'm usually available most times unless I have plans. Add me on Skype if you use it, alex521366
  3. Primeval (DayZ)

    Dogs: too early yet to implement them?

    I totally support this. Let's give it a shot. May I add, what I read on the DayZ wiki main page - "You are an alpha tester. You are not here to have fun.".
  4. Primeval (DayZ)

    Would This Computer Run DayZ Smoothly

    Should be able to run it just fine.
  5. The ability to drag your downed buddy so that you can save his loot I think is a great idea. There have been many times where your buddy has been sniped next to you, but you can't really retrieve his body so the sniper just camps it. I mean, in reality obviously it would still be hard to drag the body, but if you're lucky you could run out, grab the body and quickly drag it to safety in order to save the loot. This could also be a good idea for zombies, instead of hiding the bodies you could make a pile up or something. Opinions?
  6. Primeval (DayZ)

    We want a Bandit Bandana instead of towel

    Although I don't support the bandit idea of getting the bandit skin just for killing players, I think that you should be able to at least have the choice of wearing them. For example, the same way you find ghillie suits, civilian clothing and camo clothing. Maybe make a skin for bandits?
  7. Primeval (DayZ)

    anyone get low fps on some servers?

    Happens to me a lot, I wish there was a fix for it..
  8. Primeval (DayZ)

    'cdn.armafiles.com not responding'

    I'm getting this as well. Solution?
  9. Primeval (DayZ)

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Sweet, I hope it comes out soon and isn't as buggy.
  10. Primeval (DayZ)

    Done with Dayz

    There are a shit ton of hackers on DayZ, it's so constant. But I -know- that DayZ staff and/or Bohemia will fix it (hopefully). So I will continue to play. Just don't get too attached to stuff, and play with friends so it's always fun.
  11. Primeval (DayZ)

    Hackers on US 1586

    This bullshit happens to me, and -many- other people in this game so much it really gets on my nerves. Look here, I survive 2 days (just about, died by bug and hackers but I recovered my stuff, not this time though) and then I am at the outskirts of Cherno and a guy in a pickup truck which I see driving on the road, turns off-road, I guess he randomly saw me which I don't know how and so he floors it towards me then I just die out of nowhere. He wasn't even close to me, so it wasn't lag for sure. The fishy thing also is that someone died at the same time I did, it's just crap. Anyway, I went back to my body and the asshole buried it. So my misery just continues further, because I get killed by a hacker and lose all my shit. The main reason I am posting this here is for this screenshot I got, which basically spells 'hacker' all over it. Someone explain this to me? Hackers trying to spawn weapons? I Saw another one similar, but I clicked it away.
  12. Primeval (DayZ)

    looking for a group or a buddy

    We're always looking for people to join us, Skype - alex521366
  13. Primeval (DayZ)

    help!! i got the shakes..

    My mates and I made a camp fire when it was raining out in the woods and it fixed our temperature.
  14. Primeval (DayZ)

    You were kicked off the game

    My friend gets the message "You were kicked off the game. (BattlEye: Global Ban #4619)" and he hasn't cheated in any way. Any way to fix it? It's not via steam.
  15. Primeval (DayZ)

    anyone wanna play together?

    alex521366 is my skype name, I currently have a few other people as well maybe we can make a clan of some sort.
  16. This just happened in a server I was in, I spent like an hour looting just for this bullshit to happen. I'm getting really sick of it for fucks sake it needs to be fixed somehow.
  17. Primeval (DayZ)

    Hackers. Serious problem.

    Yep hackers teleported my whole group and killed us all a bunch of times after working for gear for a very long time.
  18. Primeval (DayZ)

    Low FPS rate

    Recently I purchased an EVGA GTX 570 and have had no problems with it. I updated the drivers a week ago (same day I bought it actually) and have played BF3, GTA IV, and most popular games on max settings with no FPS lag whatsoever. DayZ on the other hand is a different story, I feel that my computer should run this game with decent FPS on highest settings, but it doesn't. Is there something I can do to raise my FPS and not lag? Currently I'm running on Normal/Medium settings just to play smoothly (and yet, it isn't as smooth when my screen blurs due to low health, or in the cities). Right now my blood is around 4k and running on Normal settings in the city with 15 fps. It's horrid. Here's everything about my computer in dxdiag: http://pastebin.com/h4hLQktZ Help would be appreciated, thanks.
  19. Primeval (DayZ)

    Low FPS rate

    Another thing is that annoying texture bug when I go near the airfield and sometimes the main city. I did what that other thread said, but it comes back to haunt me D:
  20. Primeval (DayZ)

    Fix for the artifacting.

    @IAnon - Yes, it created a new file for my profile and in it the SceneComplexity was 300000.
  21. Primeval (DayZ)

    Low FPS rate

    Well after a few hours, I am back down to what I was before with low fps, average jump from 60 to 20's now.
  22. Primeval (DayZ)

    Looking for a casual bandit clan

    I'm interested in joining some sort of clan, tired of playing on my own. I'm quite new to the game, started playing about a week ago but I know how to survive. I've found AK47's, M16A2's, Makarov, tons of Hatchets, Crossbow, Revolver, M9 (I think), Double Barreled shotguns, Winchester 1866, sniper rifle (didn't have ammo for it then I got killed). Just to give you an idea of my experience so far. Hit me up on skype if anyone's interested in me joining them, alex521366. Or msn, dakkarpwns@hotmail.com - oh and I do have a mic I'm 17, cheers. '
  23. Primeval (DayZ)

    US 236 Admin Teleporting players and taking weapons

    Man this is bullshit, I just played a server and got teleported to some place with everyone else and then got turned into a dog, then chicken. Then back to human and the 'hacker' or whatever the hell is happening spawned helicopters.
  24. This happens quite often to me.
  25. Primeval (DayZ)

    Night too dark ?

    Nothing wrong in that screenshot, everything looks normal. That's how the game is and I don't think you can tweak it, which is fair for everyone. I love it, get used to it and use flashlight, chemlights and flares which are common to find.