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About fapoo

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. fapoo

    Different maps ...urban city

    No this is what I completely have in mind for the future of the mod. Zombie city, zombue town, zombie village, zombie countryside, zombie wilderness...all connected
  2. fapoo

    Melee Weapon Petition

    Melee weapons HAVE to be in the mod because who wouldn't pick up something sharp/blunt to protect themselves with? I think taking down a single zombie or maybe two should be possible. Anymore than that and you are putting yourself in serious danger. Maybe be quieter than other weapons but not silent either. Either way it's completely unrealistic to not have melee weapons, I think alot of people are quick to assume that anything that we add will be exactly like some other game are unable to think that Day Z could have it's own unique processes.
  3. fapoo

    Talent Tree

    This was my input from the skill system thread. Instead of points it's about time. "I think a skill system for this game would be so good and would add for a much deeper gameplay experience. I think it should work something like this. Similar to EVE online's skill system tied in to the book idea that I share with the OP. -So I'm a survivor - I find a book (e.g Bear Grylls Noob Guide To Gutting) (Now I can choose to use/learn the book (usable once) or trade etc...) -I choose to learn -Book does not dissappear and I am informed by HUD or seperate "skills screen" that I am learning said skill and it will take me X amount of time (e.g. 1 hour) -1 hour later I have learned the skill, book disappears and now I can gut wild animals for red meat) Now if I meet another survivor I can choose to teach him my skill, either trade for items, one of their skills or just gift it. But now for that stranger to learn it from me they must stay within X amount of metres (100m?) in my proximity for X amount of hours. -If they go outside of that proximity progress stops, if they come back in, it resumes. If one of the player dies the trade is destroyed. -After the skills are traded players can choose to kill each other, band up together further, or just simply part ways." Link to full post: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=3220&pid=29858#pid29858
  4. fapoo

    Blood donations

    It sounds as if you're trying to make the game easier, give more options to the player to survive.
  5. fapoo

    friendly server

    £/$10 say that the OP is a bandit or will be a bandit in the future.
  6. fapoo


    *enters building - finds Note "Day 12, out of food, will be heading towards Chern tomorrow for supplies, horde spotted going east - signed survivor2012"
  7. fapoo


    Makes complete sense to be in Day Z.
  8. fapoo

    Let's discuss a skill system

    :huh: What numbers? I don't understand. You would still be able to do things that you could do now but if you learn a skill you could be more efficient at it. Whether it be to cut meat more effectively or make less noise or whatever. I don't think you're looking at the long term picture of this mod. It needs to be more diverse.
  9. fapoo

    Zombies are to intelligent and fast.

    They not zombies. They are alive, infected and pissed at you.
  10. fapoo

    Let's discuss a skill system

    Yes because one person having a sniper rifle and one guy having a magnum pistol is a level playing field...:huh: You talk about harsh penalties. Well losing an earned skill that was taught to you by some random stranger you met and banded up with for some time, by death is a pretty harsh penalty don't you think? Adding a skill system isn't going take away from what the mod already has but just add more, which is what the mod needs.
  11. fapoo

    Climbing ladders

    I've heard if you go into prone/crawl when you get to the top you won't fall, that's with pistol equipped.
  12. fapoo

    Walkie Talkies.

    Some locations could hold radios? But cannot be removed from that location?