Name: Rob Age: 19 In game name: Kuhler Steam Id: [AOSC] Kuhler Desired combat role (Medic, sniper, exc): Tactical Axe-handler/Rifleman Why you would like to join (Going to need to do better than simply ‘lookin 4 group’) : For fun! What better way is there to enjoy a survival-apocalypse-zombie game than by playing it with friendly individuals? I despise bandits for what they do, but a good fight is always fun to get the adrenaline going and heart racing, y'know? More people, less bandit attacks, same excitement and better chance of survival: MOAR FUN. What can you offer to the clan: A loyal and trustworthy member? No, that old line won't fly... I need something catchy and interesting. Um... I can make brownies for everyone? But, seriously, I can offer a meat-shield for others, a second set of eyes, and just one more gun trained on those who wish to do harm. Plus, I can be a packmule. Not the drug kind, though, unless the drugs are painkillers. The munitions kind. Oh, and I can drive a stick-shift.