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Everything posted by Miami_bat

  1. Miami_bat

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    As Long as it can tell weather or not you are just trying to find a better server, because I get problems connecting to a server from someone not updating their server, lag issues, or just the fact your stuck on creating player message, those aren't exploits. even if its someone really wanting to play a day server only to stumble on a night time because the program they are using doesn't have a message describing if its day or night. except DayZ Commander which sometimes isn't correct on day or night. but as long as the ones trying to find a better server aren't penalized.
  2. Miami_bat

    Introduce yourselves

    Hi I am Miami_BaT I enjoy hunting Zeds with axes, reliable, never a backstabber, always friendly, ask around. (I am Miami_BaT in-game.)
  3. Miami_bat

    How do you drive a vehicle?

    middle mouse button and choose turn on engine. I think. :P
  4. Miami_bat

    What means "VON is eneabled on this server"?

    microphone use enabled and stuff. Direct Coms for face to face, and two other modes Vehicle and Group with VON
  5. Miami_bat

    DayZ Is A Running Simulator.

    Oh and get RL friends to join you, its hard.. but not impossible to find a few friendly players out there that will not drop you when you ask the question: You Friendly? RL friends you can have a great experience, close internet friends aren't bad either. So far I met some great friendly players I've added to my steam list, you can do the same.
  6. Miami_bat

    DayZ Is A Running Simulator.

    once you get into this sandbox as in know what you are doing to evade, stealth, and outrun without drawing a crowd then this sandbox will own you. period.
  7. Miami_bat

    This is just fucking stupid..

    DayZ now requires you to get the Beta Patch otherwise you will have problems connecting..
  8. Miami_bat

    Melee vs Rifle

  9. Miami_bat

    DayZ Help!

    the config error happens to me, no biggie just press ok and play on get this, and see if missed anything which i dont think you did, but it works good. http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=5797
  10. Miami_bat

    Animal threats

    With the release of dog companions coming soon, I think there should be more forest threats like Black, Brown Bears, wild dogs, Wild Boars (not the one just stands there), mountain lions, foxes,.. some can be infected.. you get the idea.. besides the infected we got to worry about, let's just make the forest alittle more less of a cakewalk. ;) oh and how about alligator and crocks in the lakes and ponds, makes filling a water bottle a little bit of a pain. :D
  11. Miami_bat

    Is anyone friendly anymore?

    I'm friendly, always have been. IT's just trust nowdays is hard to get, they seem nice but then BAM! I get back stabbed alot lol Still 100% humanity( when it was implemented ) , not one murder to my name.. But me being killed is higher then anything else.
  12. Miami_bat

    Play alone?

    I'm just assuming he means Offline DayZ single player. :cool:
  13. Miami_bat

    Play alone?

    Not anymore, there was but it was Stolen code the maker stopped his DayZ SP from the request of BI. Suspected of being a hack for Online play I think. Glad to be corrected here though, not sure if thats all the truth. Note: Found the link to the whole story. http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=11791 Gotta add it was a helpful mod, helped me learn the game mechanics quick without having to look over my shoulder for bandits at least, but if its not from Rocket himself I can't say it was legit mod to have.
  14. Idea for Zombie spawning: Have stactic dead zombie corpses on the floor all around the area in couples, triples, whatever way weather being in around farms, villages, or airports, barns, anywhere they are roaming radius would be, from these static corpses you can next set the AI zombies so when they spawn they will be laying on the floors and then get up slowly instead of having them pop in thin air spawn.. The dead static Zombie corpes will act as a start spawn point for them, seems more realistic to me and maybe to others. but them just spawning up already coming out of thin air really doesn't cut it. Just an idea that might make it a bit more immersive, and it would make sense to put half eaten dead bodies all around town of people that didn't get turned or infected but killed when the zombies apocalypse started, its pretty to empty out there. Thoughts?
  15. sweet, the ideas from you guys are better really, I just would like to stop the "appear out of nowhere" instance. :)
  16. lol Right, ok so my idea sucks, close the thread.
  17. Ok them just have them spawning on the floor laying down, then have them standing up, more better then having them spawn like magic standing ready to chomp at you. :) Yea I've had zombies spawn in front of me before a few times, i'm sure there are others that had that happen to them.
  18. Miami_bat

    Day Zero Begins - Miami

    Yeeouch! Glad I moved to Orlando hehe :D
  19. Pile of bodies, and the static corpses are already done with the dead soldiers you see over at the military bases, and does not play a factor on lag. it can be done with the zombies also.
  20. Miami_bat

    This game ... !

    I suggest you listen to the folks advice, also if you want to get your controls configured and not wait for server responses I suggest the following: http://kronzky.info/missions/arma/dayzsp/ This will help you get used to the game, its mechanics, and no server waits.. No MP so you can mess with your Video, Controls until you get them right the way you want them, also without worrying about being shot by a Bandit or a Survivor for that matter..the only thing you would have to worry about are the ZOMBIES, so you better hope you didn't spawn near a village hehe Your welcome.. EDIT: Current version does not work with the new Patched 1.6.0 version of DayZ, wait until the creator of DayZSP updates his MOD, get stuck on Initializing ... lates, If anything just Bookmark his page.
  21. Miami_bat

    DayZ Teamwork

    SWEET! on both replies. :D
  22. Miami_bat


    as long as its not a bright color like white or YELLOW, you'd stick out like a sore thumb hehe
  23. Miami_bat

    Which T-Shirt design would you buy?

    Number 1, I would wear it like a Badge of honor, especially the hell we've been threw with Alpha lol But 2 is great also.
  24. Miami_bat

    DayZ Teamwork

    I'm gonna wait until all these issues get ironed out by Rocket, but I will be playing with you guys. Question: What if one of the members turns out to not be a Team player but really a bandit and shoots us all to hell? ..not saying it will happen, I'm sure the one's that joined are really good people wanting to have some teamwork going, but what if? :-/
  25. Miami_bat

    HOTFIX Rollng Update

    No problem, Thank you much! :D