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Everything posted by Reaper0516

  1. i was with tht group too but i died before so my kills werent up there =(
  2. Reaper0516

    US 1476 Hackers.

    ya mike not long ago we encounter a hacker who was flying a heli at night over cherno, my team unloaded everything into it and brought it down, then getting back on our boat he spawns a freshly new heli and chases us, we get about 3 kilos out of chero he forces us off our boat to go on foot while i put hafe of a m249 LMG into to the new heli bringing it down once again.... we get to our base finally and they somhow find us with another heli and gun us down.... talk about a war, i understand ur pain
  3. Reaper0516

    Hacker on US 1476

    ya we had a encounter with James, my team shot him in stary a few days ago but he battle loged out like a pussy (after we put like 5 bullets in his head) waiting for his buddies to come on.
  4. How about every admin with a clan basically kept the sever on pw protected till they horded every heli, UAZ and other vehicles of their choosing before allowing the sever to go public. And even worse the sever US 1340 if u shoot a vehicle it kicks you off the sever and resets the vehicle where it was shot fully healed.
  5. Reaper0516

    Helicopters should be taken away forever

    1st: ppl that want to learn how to drive a helly go to arma 2 boot camp and fly it teaches you 2nd: faster travel means less dying 3rd: smart ppl put their tents in trees not open areas
  6. Reaper0516

    Dear Rocket, Reset please.

    what is the point for making tents and putting gear inside if want the tent to be deleted right after you die isnt the reason why you put crap in a tent is so that when you die (because everyone eventually dies) you at least can go back to go get something instead of starting with nothing.
  7. Reaper0516

    I logged in and spawned at the ocean.

    atleast you didnt respawn in the wilderness and ROCKET!!! took off respawn to kill myself. Luckily when i went to a different sever it put me back to my original spawn
  8. Reaper0516

    Looking For New Server for my Friends.

    On the sever that is basically hosting my teams tents are having the same problem but instead keeps despawning our weapons and spawn like 20 tents out of no where, and if you shoot a vehicle it kicks you from the sever and respawns a new one full heath and fuel cant even shoot a helly down x( P.S its US 1340
  9. Reaper0516

    Teleport cheat

    ty i will be finding your UAZ here shortly
  10. Me and my other 2 friends are looking for a group to join, preferably more then 2 ppl that didnt jus started a clan/group. we have our own gear and tents atm. Local playing time is -4 during the day. If you want to ask any questions add yellowmellowxxx to steam.