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Everything posted by Traios

  1. Traios

    DayZ Stories

    Today was funny. I met this newly spawned player (I was as well thanks to some bugs) and I had no weaponry. He had a Lee Enfield and he didn't respond to my call. It was stupid of me to follow him, but I didn't know he had ammo in the gun. So we walked up this road near the coast and we found a house with zeds around it. He suddenly runs in and then shoots his Enfield. Big mistake. Suddenly he gets surrounded by 15 zeds and he dies. I wait there for the zeds to finish dinner and crouch over and loot his body. Then my friend comes round takes over, and shoots the gun I ended up the like the other player. So now i'm on the coast travelling to Cherno or Elektro to get some gear, yay!
  2. Good on not shooting him, what were you thinking though? He just shot my friend but i'm fine with it?
  3. Hmm, If someone shot my friend I would have retaliated. But if juggernaut didn't know him irl then I wouldn't mind. Though Juggernaut, good on you for not disconnecting and shooting someone, cause I would of.
  4. To do third person press Number enter (on the most right of your keyboard, if you have a number pad.
  5. Traios

    [Insert Badass One Liner Here]

    Nice one, killing everyone. If I had a mountain dew I would kill anyone on site, they cant take my mountain dew, no one! NO ONE!!!! Sorry, I got a bit carried away with that. Good on you, thought if you do spend a lot of time tea bagging someone a sniper could shoot you in the face, so be careful.
  6. Hurrah! Finally some group that accepts younger players! I'm 13 and looking for a Day group i wont be able to play for 2 weeks (holiday) But i'll be on after that. Steam:traios1 (I don't use steam and my friend who has the steam account which has dayz. Nevermind its complicated.So really I dont use steam. Skype:traios.traios
  7. It could go horribly wrong, the survivor could turn into a dinosaur and eat you up. You never know, be careful hackers can do anything.
  8. Traios

    The Poor Survivor

    I actually thought in terms of being betrayed was actually quite nice. Your legs were broken and he kind of saved you the hours of waiting for someone only to get betrayed later. But i always go lone maybe sometimes teaming up with people temporarily (for survival). But think you could of suddenly been shot in the face and been really annoyed that you didnt see that coming, while he did warn you and he did it for a reason, would you save someone you just met,the risk of your own lifes just save a stranger? If your in a good mood or generally nice then yes, if you just want to have fun and shoot some zeds, shoot the guy in the head. Oh well, things happen.
  9. Traios

    Noob fails to murder

    Well you are very lucky for not being dead. Normally i would observe the enemy, staying hidden of course. Don't straight away shoot, see the areas the person can escape and where he is, if you have one throw a smoke grenade right at him, if he's stupid he'll move. Zombies love smoke grenades, attracting zombies to the player is great making someone else do the dirt work for you. Zombies aren't all that bad if you want to kill someone.
  10. Traios

    Bounty Hunters NEEDED ASAP

    I actually found it!
  11. Traios

    I found a crashed helicopter!

    Ha-ha You shall have my beans!
  12. Traios

    Zero's Taxi Service

    That would be great. Today i was on 100 blood in a house making my last stand with a Winchester. I was in a small town and i called out for help. None came.If i had called you and you came I'd of paid you in Coca cola. I'd be your assistant if you need one.
  13. Traios

    Tales of Real Banditry

    Lol thanks and nice one Boomstick the old shoot in the face!
  14. Traios

    Tales of Real Banditry

    I only had a hatchet and this person was unarmed. He didn't reply to my call and then he got loads of zeds on me. So we were running and i whacked him braking his legs. I quickly looted his backpack and left him there to get eaten by the zeds. Was this too mean?
  15. Traios

    I am having a good time

    I also recently got dayz. I loved it at first sight and then knew this game was great when i broke someones legs with a hatchet stole their stuff from a back pack shot my enfield and left the guy for dead. Cruel, very cruel but the person found it wuite interesting, I said goodbye to the person and ran off leaving him looted and ready for dinner. (For the zombies of course).
  16. Traios

    Encounters With Other Players?

    Player encounters on my first few lives have been very lucky. I met a few people while unarmed and I scavenged wit them, then we decided it was time to go our separate ways before someone is backstabbed. Another encounter was when i was in the electro church and had just found a makarov, it was my first gun and suddenly a player runs in bleeding and i cover him while he puts a bandage on. I then say if he is ok, he said he was fine and walked off, I could of shot him but that would of been wrong. My third encounter was with two heavily armed people. I aimed my revolver at them and said friendly, they then fought off zombies for me and we travelled, picking up an Enfield and a few mags along the way. Sadly they shot me in the back, but i was fine knowing that they had taught me a few tips and tricks. My fourth encounter was when i only had a hatchet, the person was unarmed and had a attracted a horde so I broke the persons legs and walked away. I solved the problem I guess. Ah day z thank you for your awesomeness.
  17. Traios

    A noob unfriendly game.

    I'm a noob and compared to this I've had really good luck, i always spawn on the beach with no zeds around or in a city with no zeds around, I find a weapon and head inland for other supplies, right now I have an Enfield (risky i know but against players), a revolver (against zombies) and heat packs, a map,food and water. Epi-pen morphine and a blood bag as well as a tent! I murdered someone with an axe he seemed innocent but he probably would of stolen some of my loot. Desperate times comes for desperate measures i guess. All I can say is don't give up on the game or wait for the next patch at least. Remember it is still in Alpha, a lot will be changed!
  18. I only team up when I am unarmed and see other unarmed players, so we scavenge together and when one of us or both finds a gun we go our seperate ways. Then I KOS for survival,loot and I d'ont want to die kill or be killed.
  19. Traios

    The worst thing I ever did..

    This random person with no weapon runs up to me, bringing is zombie bud with him. I have a hatchet, somehow manage to kill the zeds and talk to her. She doesn't reply, I am quite annoyed about this so I axe the person in the face for giving me lots of trouble and for not replying. All they would do is follow me and steal half of my loot, but i still felt bad. I found an Enfield tent and everything you need for the start, and i ran off into the woods running away from a helicopter. I felt bad and maybe the person who spawned was buddies with the heli crew, so i did the sensible thing of logging :). Sorry Sascha, I hope you continue to play this game and have fun. This is the worst thing I have done so far. Well you have to do what you have to survive. Screw being all soft, you kill to survive, survival of the fittest otherwise known as survival of the person who has the better gun, anyone who crosses my path, and is armed, i'll get you right between the eyes before you knew I was there. Well after you don't reply of course.