Hey guys, I see I'm late to the discussion but hopefully my inputbcan help out. I'm going to break down my post into two parts, first why an alignment systems is ineffective for DayZ and second how to achieve a successful system. Why is an alignment systems ineffective? Simple, it's to distinguish a player from pve to pvp, which is not designed for a game which is based around combat. When using a combat based two faction system eventually everyone will turn into a pvp'er much like a virus, except those who avoid all contact (which given a long enough time statistically they will pvp) or something those that don't play. That's the simple answer which most of you are already aware of. How do you achieve a system to know who is safe and who isn't effectively? A more complex than it still simple system is available. I present to you, the reputation system. Enable name tags so a player can be identified easily, when meeting a player you can rate them as hostile, neutral or friendly. Players that are helpful will have a positive or neutral correlation while those who do nothing but kill will have a negative rating. There are some small issues to exploit the system however they can be fixed through game mechanics.