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Everything posted by Zarter

  1. Zarter

    Looking for players to form a group

    Name: A.J. (Zarter) Age: 18 Location: USA, Michigan Playstyle: Depends on the situation i guess. I love being in cities. Something about the thought of a threat possibly around any corner is awesome. I can snipe, sneak up on snipers, and play in cities. Skype: Yes Time Playing: 5-6 months.
  2. Zarter

    Simple Solution to Banditry

    So i got a problem with this. How it it realistic that a bandit will put on a red bandanna and run around. When i have a ghille suit im trying to be stealthy so why would i put a red bandanna over it? People will see me from a mile away. I don't really see the realism in it.
  3. This could really go both ways. It will make supplies more valuable so killing a player to get his will be easier than going and finding my own stuff. Sure finding a gun will be hard but don't you think that it will make every player want each other stuff more? I already want peoples stuff that's why i kill and if this happens then I will want to kill more. Why should I get the stuff when i can have other do that for me?
  4. IN GAME NAME: Zarter IRL NAME: A.J. TIME ZONE: Eastern GMT-5 AGE: 18