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About Sharlandra

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  1. Love playing on this server, good admins, and tons of vehicles. Come and join us and I'll give you my beans, and by beans, I mean a bullet. =)
  2. *bump* Still having this issue on almost any server now.
  3. So I have done a little bit of searching for my problem, but have not really found anything on it. Since the 1.7.3 update, what seems to only be happening on public hive servers, I am having the strangest problem concerning script restrictions. Here is what happens: I will join a public hive server, and if I shoot and damage any other player, they get kicked for public script restriction #66. If I take damage from another player, I get kicked for public script restriction #66. It only seems to be myself this is happening to as far as I can tell. Even if I hit someone with a vehicle, or hit an object that would damage the players in my vehicle, we all get kicked. Now my friend that I mostly play DayZ with can harm and kill anyone he pleases, and can take damage as normal, no kicking occurs. This makes absolutely no sense, it has been doing this even after a fresh spawn (which was not easy to do since the kicking). Does anyone have any ideas as to what might be causing this? So far I have used a double-barrel shotgun, a M1014, a revolver, and a M1911 for damaging another player and each time, they got kicked, so I was not using some random BS gun I found on a player or in a tent.
  4. My Clan and I play on this server all the time, great admin, great time, best server I have ever played on.
  5. Server: us 1963 Dallas Date/Time: 8:15-8:45 PM EST 9/18/12 Incident: Player had unlimited Ammo, God Mode, and was spawning items into his inventory including Sandbags. I was also insta-killed while near him out of nowhere, no gun shots or explosions, was not moving. Player Name: Archer My Player Name: 404 Sharlandra
  6. Sharlandra

    2 Hackers on US 2281

    I am not sure how the logging system works either, but if it's searchable like a txt document, maybe you could search for when AfroNinja was killed, it would be right around the last time he was killed by 404 Sharlandra
  7. Server: [bRA#1] On2Play 2986 Time: 1:55 - 1:58 AM EST What Happened: Well, I loaded in by the shore and what do I see? About every vehicle in the game in one location, boats, heli's, ATV's, Bus's all of em. There was a guy sitting on the other side of a car and I went over to ask him how he was, and how long it took to get all the vehicles there, he responded " I found it all" and proceeded to shoot and kill me with a Sniper Rifle with what looked like a desert camo scope on it, don't remember that being in DayZ. Didn't get his name, but maybe check server logs for who killed "404 Sharlandra" around the time of incident and see if that same person was scripting for cars.
  8. Just wanted to do my part in getting rid of a super small percentage of hackers, but a banned hacker is the only good hacker. Server: US 2281 Time: Roughly 1:35-1:40 AM EST What Happened: This guy and his buddy teleported to me a few times, Was killed by them near Cherno, spawned in Elektro, died to them in about 7 min in a residential building in Elektro, then spawned in cherno and they came to me again, killed me then, then I spawned again and they teled to me and asked me what I wanted, anythin in the game, so I replied Hatchet and M1911. So he and his friend spawned an M1911 with all the ammo and a hatchet on the road for me. The one hacker who's name I did get asked me to kill him, so I did. Hacker/Scripter Name: AfroNinja *sorry no screen shots, check server logs for scripting?*
  9. Sharlandra

    Music you listen to while playing.

    I like to run around singing odd tunes with open comms on or playing "What is Love" when driving around in a bus or car over open comms.
  10. Sharlandra

    Question about maps/GPS

    Nah, we tend to try and be very careful, except when this one time we were goofing in a barn and then one of our guys got filled with sniper rounds. One of us had a map, so he chucked it thinking that was how the guy found us in the middle of nowhere. But, I guess we just go unlucky, and were being kinda silly at the time =P
  11. Sharlandra

    Question about maps/GPS

    Hmmm, so would you rather have a map or a GPS? From the last comment, seems that GPS is like waving your dick around on the map, and the map, any negative things for that?
  12. Sharlandra

    Question about maps/GPS

    So if we are on a regular server, does that mean if Player A is 100M away in a building and has a map, and we are moving around the outside of the building and we have a map, then he can see us on his map even tho he cant really see us?
  13. Have not stumbled upon another forum post asking this or any hard evidence to answer this question I have, so here it goes. I play with a few other people and we tend to stay together, and sometimes, one of us will happen across a map or a GPS. They really come in handy, but it seems that after we get a GPS or map, people tend to find us much easier, or we just get super bad luck, and by people, I mean choppers who start hovering over the bush we are hiding in to light us up. Does having a map or GPS allow other players with a map or GPS to see you on their map/GPS? If so, is this dictated by distance, last seen, or does this not happen and it is all pure coincidence and bad luck?
  14. Sharlandra

    Hackers on Server

    BTW, this happened around 07:15 GMT
  15. Sharlandra

    Hackers on Server

    Server: Dayz - US 1251 (v1.7.2.4/Beta 95417) "" "" - hosted by Mooshou.com Players on at time of incident: [OH]DayZ Class James Joel Meowmachine Naava Blackmore (My friend who was killed by hackers) Ranpaw ronpaw sgt. red Sharlandra (me) SPENCER Tony Topazgrl Toqwert What Happened: My friend and I were running across a field, and then he stopped, his main weapon disappeared, and he appeared in a "boxing ring" of barbed wire with another player who's name tag did not appear with about 4-5 players in ghillie suits spectating from behind sandbags. The player in the Barbed wire "ring" had an axe and hacked my friend to death. =/ Not really sure how they can do this, but it's getting kind of lame, even if the scenario is kind of funny, we keep losing a good deal of time and effort from these hackers.