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Everything posted by Addsome

  1. Are you guys Bandits? Is this primarily a fighting clan? DayZ Name/Steamname: Gary/Addsome44 How Long Have You Played DayZ: 1 week(I know the basics, places to loot, and all the high traffic areas) Time Zone: Eastern Standard Time(GMT-4) Will You Stay Loyal To Our Group?: For sure. What is Your Primary Role Requested?: Assault or Sniper(Want to be more into combat) I have been playing DayZ for a bit more than a week now and am really enjoying it. I've played solo and with a group of 2 friends a lot of times and know the ins and outs. I think its time for me to finally get into a group so I can enjoy the game more. I meet all the requirements and have a mic and am willing to use whatever software you guys use to communicate. I can play at daytime or nighttime if needed.
  2. Ya im pretty sure what you did will work. I have some more threads that can help you increase some FPS. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/45835-ultimate-guideinformation-thread-to-increase-performance/ http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/36835-how-to-increase-fps-in-big-cities/ http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/44670-setting-up-ramdisk-for-steam-user/ Good luck and lets see if you can improve your FPS and enjoy this wonderful mod :D
  3. Look at that video and see if you can do it. If not PM me here and il try my best to help you out. Hope it works.
  4. Addsome

    Ability to Combine Partial Magazines

    ^This, I reload a lot too :(
  5. Have you tried RAMDisk?
  6. Just wait a little bit longer or try another server.
  7. Addsome

    Safe trade

    Go to trade location with only the items your are trading and have sniper cover.
  8. My question is, why did you feel the need to post this on forums?
  9. Addsome

    What gets you killed?

    I died from a hacker in Stary :( I had a FAL with 5 mags, a M4A1 CCO, an AS50 and an Coyote backpack. He one shotted me randomly facing another direction even though I stuck 5 FAL rounds in his chest at close range before I even got shot myself....
  10. Addsome

    problems while walking

    Lag im guessing. Are you getting low frames or just high ping from servers?
  11. Addsome

    easy way to heavily reduce combat disconnects

    Rocket is already talking about inputting something of this sort into the game soon, maybe even next patch.
  12. Addsome

    New Patch Artifacting

    I think its a glitch that came with the new patch. To fix try to turn on VSync and then turn it off again, might fix it. You could also try to turn on anti aliasing and turn it off again.
  13. How much is it for? Im pretty sure that rig can run DayZ on max settings.
  14. Have you tried using the search function?
  15. Do you really think that person is gonna read this?
  16. Just opened DayZCommander and now its like refreshing servers ****/2235. On six launcher I can see like 10k players playing on 603 servers. Guess refreshing a lot might fix.
  17. Thanks bro, will try that. Does this website show all arma 2 server? http://arma2.swec.se/server/list
  18. Remote? option in six launcher?
  19. This is acutally a pretty big problem because you usually have to sped loads of lime finding a server that both you and your friends can see. Last night we spent 1 hour looking for a server and when we finally joined one together it was laggy as shit but we did not want to leave since finding a another server would of made us all ragequit.
  20. On DayZCommander it still says refreshing ***/500 servers and on six launcher it says 4723 players on 292 servers.
  21. Is there any fix? Anyway to load up all the servers?
  22. Addsome

    Almost as bad as COD Spawning

    You can only respawn on a beach???
  23. Addsome

    I know this may sound stupid....

    Right click on hatchet in your inventory and click on remove from toolbelt.
  24. Whats your brightness at?