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About prestondemaria@gmail.com

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  1. prestondemaria@gmail.com

    We need some assholes on US46

    I would love to play but evidently Zabn doesn't like me Three hours of my time --- Wasted.
  2. prestondemaria@gmail.com

    5 Dollar bounty to kill player Zheratuhl

    The deed has been done. Pay up, big boy.
  3. I updated and am still getting the same error in the picture I posted :(
  4. prestondemaria@gmail.com

    For Those of You Complaining About Artifacts..

    Thanks for the input! I personally haven't tried flushing. Usually changing the sceneComplexity works for me. To anyone else reading this topic, please voice your thoughts and any solutions you have found!
  5. DayZ: Arma: 96061 So I posted here a while ago wanting to join, but couldn't. I saw the thread again and thought, "Why not give it another try?" So I'm still receiving the same error.. Any thoughts?
  6. prestondemaria@gmail.com

    Tired/Bored Of DayZ?

    Playing solo blows
  7. prestondemaria@gmail.com

    For Those of You Complaining About Artifacts..

    Yeah, the keyboard broke off from the rest of the computer.. Still works though
  8. prestondemaria@gmail.com

    For Those of You Complaining About Artifacts..

    Sorry for giving a potential fix to the community for something that people say is a "game-ruiner"...
  9. prestondemaria@gmail.com

    Group or just Help

    Just die and run back to where you were..
  10. prestondemaria@gmail.com

    For Those of You Complaining About Artifacts..

    Rebooting Arma never works for me, I would like to get a list of various fixes up in this thread because I know what works for some people doesn't work for others.
  11. prestondemaria@gmail.com

    For Those of You Complaining About Artifacts..

    Sometimes on a laptop keyboard there are numbers and symbols from the numpad on your regular keyboard like in this picture: To press these keys (the minus key is there) you have to hold 'fn' You can try that
  12. prestondemaria@gmail.com

    Found a boat but why is it sooo slow?

    That boat is pretty worthless IMO
  13. prestondemaria@gmail.com

    UAZ with RGO frag grenades

    Initially I thought RGO frags were hacked in, but I've seen the UAZ fresh spawn with 5 in its gear about 3 times now
  14. prestondemaria@gmail.com


    You aren't a dick. You are now a bandit.