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Everything posted by ESDeadmond

  1. ESDeadmond

    World War weapons

    Based on is the key word here. Clearly the language is different and the location is different, but it's made to look similar.
  2. ESDeadmond

    World War weapons

    It's BASED ON the Czech Republic, so I used the Czech Republic as an example. Also 50 years is a quick generalization I came up with in order to make a point. After 50+ years the guns would not function properly unless taken care of properly, the exact time lapse does not matter. And also like I said, a farmer in a small poor country such as Chernarus (since using the Czech Republic as an example to get through to you doesn't seem to be working) would probably either sell the weapon or not take proper care of it.
  3. ESDeadmond

    Dead players turning to zombies

    Says the developer...
  4. ESDeadmond

    World War weapons

    Yes, 50 years after WW2 and there would still be American and German weapons just lying around in working condition. Brilliant. Especially in the Czech Republic, where clearly they have an overabundance of money to spend collecting WW2 weapons. That's why everything there is so high tech right?
  5. ESDeadmond

    World War weapons

    For realism sake, I could understand some old Russian WW2 guns being there, but I don't understand why/how German and American WW2 weapons would get to Chernarus.
  6. ESDeadmond

    Dead players turning to zombies

    It's an infection, not zombies as in the dead getting back up. These were people that got sick with an infection and became extremely aggresive, such as in 28 Days Later or I Am Legend. Not zombies from The Walking Dead or Night of the Living Dead which were people killed who got back up.
  7. ESDeadmond

    ( . Y . )y Traps.

    Why would anyone even try to disarm the traps though? If someone inspected and saw that a trap was present, they would probably just assume it was looted before being trapped and move on.
  8. ESDeadmond

    if killed by a zed...

    Not going to happen, sorry. Rocket has made it clear that this is an infection, not the dead coming back to life. Think of the zombies in terms of a movie such as I Am Legend where the zombies are just mutated/infected people and not people who were killed and came back to life.
  9. ESDeadmond

    Bulletproof Vests

    Complete protection from torso damage from any gun that isn't a high powered rifle? I don't think so. Maybe as wtfosaurus said, a damage mitigation would be acceptable, but giving players x amount of shots of invincibility to the chest just doesn't seem realistic.
  10. ESDeadmond

    Tent space indicator

    I'm pretty sure this is just something that just has yet to be done, as well as an end to the glitch that makes guns disappear if you try to put them in a backpack without enough room. Just be patient, I'm sure it was already planned on being added.
  11. ESDeadmond

    Automated blood transfusion

    What I'm saying though is currently there are no rooms in hospitals, just one long narrow room on the side of the building that looked like it was probably some sort of hallway.
  12. ESDeadmond

    Sleeping Bags

    I think that adding the benefits of good sleep is a good idea, but I still don't like the concept of "bad sleep". If I'm playing by myself and my friend gets on, so I go to switch to his server, does that mean that I got 2 minutes of "sleep" switching servers which would penalize me. I also don't want to log off for an hour or two to eat dinner and watch a movie and then be forced to wait another couple of hours after than in order to log in without being penalized.
  13. ESDeadmond

    Sleeping Bags

    This. Ideas for rest have already been suggested. I don't like them because though it is realistic, it limits my playtime. I don't want to play for a few hours then be told my character is too tired to do something like its some kind of stupid FB game.
  14. ESDeadmond

    Automated blood transfusion

    I don't know if you've been in a hospital yet, but the area that you can actually go into is pretty small. If they did this, it seems like they would need to add more rooms to hospitals since machinery like this probably wouldn't just be sitting on the outside edge of the building next to these giant windows.
  15. ESDeadmond

    Please add Fatigue / Stamina

    The only problem I see is that it forces you to limit your playtime to rest. Just like all those stupid Facebook games where you get "energy points" that you either have to wait a day to replenish or spend money to refill. Although it isn't very realistic, I would rather have an unrealistic game that allows me to play when I want for however long I want than an ultrarealistic game that tells me I can only play for a limited amount at a time.
  16. ESDeadmond

    Finite Skills

    Wait, are you saying have only a couple people per server be able to heal broken bones? That really doesn't sound very good to me. Not to mention that if you get picked as say a pilot and then decide to play on a different server, the first server is left without one of its two pilots.
  17. ESDeadmond

    A Deck of Cards is what we all need

    Definitely would be a cool idea, but as others have said, low priority. I can already imagine servers such as those run by Freeside Trading Co being set up as casino servers.
  18. ESDeadmond

    Wild Bears to Forests?

    Pretty sure this is already being added. As a side note, why not be able to tame bears and ride them into battle? EDIT: Sarcasm, for those of you who didn't get it.
  19. ESDeadmond

    Sea Water Filled Canteens.

    You would spit it out, but how about we consider this if we remove the increased dehydration rate? So you're wandering through the forests when you need a drink. You pull out one of the two water bottles you picked off a guy you killed earlier and start to drink it. When you realize it's salt water, you dump the bottle. Same goes when you try the other bottle. Now you aren't any more thirsty, but you have two less drinks than you thought you did, forcing you to find a pond or go into a town to refill these water bottles.
  20. ESDeadmond

    Dogs as Detectors of Humanity

    Okay, I'm seeing what you guys are saying and you've changed my mind. As far as detection goes, instead of the dog being quieter around players with high humanity, what if the dog was alerted to players with low humanity from farther away. This helps the player detect bandits from farther away, and helps to add incentive to not kill on sight since it makes you easier to detect for players with dogs.
  21. ESDeadmond

    Got idea for next map

    I see what you're trying to say here. I can see how fishing boats would be used to get to larger wrecks farther in the ocean. For example, using a fishing boat to get to a wrecked cargo ship, or even a large military boat such as a carrier or battleship as another high-value military spawn point.
  22. ESDeadmond

    Screw the hacking! Finally dogs!

    Here's an idea, instead of just being able to tame dogs, lets be able to train attack chickens. Hell, I could train the rabbit from Monty Python and the Holy Grail!!
  23. ESDeadmond

    Friendly mode

    If people want to play PvE without worrying about some random guy sniping them while they're looting, why not? Way I see it, as long as these are separate HIVEs so people can't just loot everything in PvE and then switch to PvP and kill everyone, people should be able to play safe from others if they want. Not to mention, this resembles almost a tutorial mode for the game where new players can learn how zombie mechanics work and how to at least get started on the game before moving on the the actual game.
  24. ESDeadmond

    Got idea for next map

    I just think more maps would be cool, I honestly don't care what features they have. What you guys are suggesting sounds like an urban style map, which would be cool. Chernarus is mostly forests, the unofficial Lingor Island map is a jungle, which I expect either will soon be added or the DayZ team will find another jungle map to use. Desert maps could be interesting too just because there is so much less brush it would change the tactics a little. Tundras as well. These would probably have to be on different HIVES though, as some maps would probably be easier to loot for one thing, and you wouldn't want to take a white ghillie suit from the tundra into a jungle.
  25. ESDeadmond

    Realism ideas

    Fishing- good idea Craftable weapons/tools- Not a crafting fan, maybe modifying/maintaining though? Farming- For realism purposes,no. Since farming takes so long for things to grow IRL, not to mention you'd have to camp the same area for huge periods of time. Seats and Beds- I'm assuming for sleeping? I don't want to see a sleep mechanic in this game, or any other way to force limited play time. Barricading buildings- Already possible if you know where to put barbed wire/sandbags Keeping basic/secondary items- Horrible idea. Have the fun in this game is scavenging. What would be the point of dying if you got to keep a bunch of your stuff, including a gun? Zombie free servers- Again, horrible idea. Even in zombie servers the zombies aren't that hard to deal with.