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About Akilax

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    On the Coast
  1. Hello You may have overlooked the part about a negative humanity resulting in the respective player being converted into a bandit. There is no situation where you kill a survivor and the subtraction of his (negative) humanity will lead to an increase of yours, because there should be no survivors with negative humanity, as they become bandits and thus the subtraction no longer takes place. That is of course if the information provided in the DayZ Wiki is correct. So reading the linked info Sticker704 gave you, you should be able to conclude that killing the -3000 player would have had no effect on your humanity, because that player would already have been a bandit. -> Bandit kill, Humanity +/- 0 Had this player had a humanity of 1500, because he previously attempted to kill a player but only hit him some times but failed to kill, you would have lost 1500 humanity and received a murder. At least this is what I understand from what is written in the Wiki. -> Murder, Humanity -1500 The interesting part is, what would have happened if this player had been a bandit on his way to recovery from his morally twisted ways with 1500 positive humanity. According to the Wiki he would have looked like a bandit, because he would not receive survivor status until 2000 humanity and killing him would not have caused you any humanity loss, because that only happens when killing survivors. If that were correct, it would mean that recuperation had the potential of being hard for the one attempting it and I like that idea. Of course the 150 humanity per 5 minutes recovery process makes it not really that hard, but hopefully this will be changed in the future for I don't see how someone becomes a better man after commiting murder by waiting for a little over an hour (83 minutes is the time it'd take to recover from a 2500 humanity survivor kill if the 150h/5min rule is correct). Make the time it takes at least a lot longer or remove it completely. I understand that there will be situations where someone will be ambushed by a 2500+ survivor or even several and has to defend himself with lethal force, thus turning into a bandit, but I hope that we can change the system so it will check who was the aggressor and calculate humanity changes accordingly. And as for the -300'000 humanity players out there. I don't think that they should be accounted for, because there is a dire need for a global reset soon anyway and then we will all start over.
  2. Akilax

    Getting a sniper Rifle.

    Hello What worked for me best is checking the north for survivor camps. It is the lowest risk, highest reward way of getting any good gear so far in my experience. Just get yourself a hatchet, a hunting knife, a box of matches and two water bottles, as well as a map and a compass, then head north past the Airfield. The map in the game covers a larger area than what you see on DayZDB and there are some pretty nice patches of trees that are grouped closely together. Most survivors like those to hide their tents in. Heli crash sites are the next best, unless you want to do player killing ("pking"), which is higher risk and the success chance depends highly on your skill with whatever gun you have and your luck to meet a survivor who is in possession of a sniper rifle. You can also go to the Airfield and start server hopping to servers that have a low population or are even empty, but in my opinion excessive server hopping is kind of lame and it still won't guarantee that you get a sniper rifle as there's a lot of different stuff that spawns on airfields. Barns have spawned me a CZ550 only once and I used to search them like a crazy person, but maybe I was just unlucky. Hope that helps and good luck with your search!
  3. Akilax

    Vehicles and durability.

    Even an anti-materiel rifle will not "blow up" a regular vehicle. If a vehicle is supposed to be destroyed in a spectacular way without adding anything like explosives or a fire accelerant you will have to shoot a hole into the gas tank, wait for enough gas to leak out and for the gasoline exiting to produce enough fumes and then you may start trying to get a spark to appear by shooting the vehicle or nearby objects. (edit: In other words it's not gonna happen in a firefight that is resolved within a time frame of a few seconds. just in case someone didn't understand what I was trying to explain.) Other than that you will not really blow up or burn a vehicle by shooting bullets at it. Disabling a vehicle is a different story. Well placed shots into the tires (obviously) but also the motor block (with a high enough calibre) will disable a vehicle rather quickly. So I entirely agree with the OP, that after some AR salvos, there should still be a vehicle that can be fixed (replace engine, tank, scrap metal or wheels) and more importantly that still has a trunk with stuff to loot if the former owner chose to put something inside it. Of course this is a game and we all know it will never be truly realistic. But the entire approach to DayZ (and also ARMA II) is one of simulating something close to reality so I really don't see why we'd need some XxX or James Bond physics here. For me the thought of blowing up in a car, because a M107 or AS50 (let alone some AR or handgun) hit my car is just silly. The thought of my vehicle coming to an abrupt halt in the middle of the road and having to exit the vehicle and defend myself against an ambush however is very realistic and desirable to me. So I too would very much like to see this changed even though I know that this will probably come very low on the to do list as it'd require quite an effort to work around what ARMA II layed out as ground rules for vehicle destruction.