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Everything posted by mdttheory

  1. Any groups on this server looking for a mature/active member? I am looking for a group that has a save base on a decent server as I just returned to the game from a break.
  2. Can you give some more info such as scripts or mods?
  3. mdttheory

    Epoch mod launches patch

    Wow, that is incredible! This is what I was waiting for in dayz, the ability to rebuild!
  4. mdttheory

    Epoch mod launches patch

    Wow, it looks great. Thank you for your contribution! I am coming out of my (temporary) retirement to try this out. Where can I do that?
  5. So, all the alpha talk, I know... you don't want to hear it. Here is the point... Alpha means WE ARE THE TESTERS. That's the whole point! They patch and -we test-. That is what 'alpha testing' is. We. are. all. the. testers.
  6. mdttheory

    Time for Change

    Well said. I would like to add that rather than relying even on a well-planned reaction is the pro-active method. That is to say that you provide incentives to players who play how you want; however that might be. That in conjunction with a list of players who have proven to be against your cause and you have your power. What you can then do is record all users who, for example, are griefing/PK'ing in an unsolicited fashion and not allow them the incentives you would otherwise provide. Say you have a certain city quarantined, provide medical services to any players not on this blacklist, provide resources and a safe haven, etc. You then disallow anyone on the blacklist from partaking. A similar system would be required in a real world situation if you were to rebuild society; the beginnings of a system, a government per se.
  7. mdttheory

    Time for Change

    Dans, while I don't believe a petition is the way to go, I can empathize with your cause. I submit to you that a better way to go about improving our gameplay is to work together on taking the game back for other like-minded players, you and I included, not by changing the game that we love, but by changing the playerbase. One of the most beautiful aspects of DayZ is that it is built to be -realistic- in every way possible. That realism extends to the psychology of the world's inhabitants. In the real world there is no higher power to petition a change in the rules. In the real world we band together to create the conditions required to foster the behavior we desire. So I urge you to consider re-focusing your drive on creating those conditions. I will support that cause. Here are some ideas: -Create or join a Survivor clan -Provide support to other Survivor clans -Be another voice asking for improvement in 'end-game' content so players who are otherwise good don't go bad due to boredome on their way out -Seek to understand your enemies such that you can not only better avoid their attacks but also to turn them away from that path Good luck, ~lulz
  8. mdttheory

    Project Freedom: Recruiting

    Age (Be Honest): 24 In Game Name: lulz Country/Timezone: U.S. (Michigan) I play in the morning, during the day, and during the night depending on the day. Are You Active?: I am active, yes. It is currently the only game I play. Experience In Dayz: I have been playing DayZ for about a week now. I enjoy every major aspect of the game from scavenging to hunting zombies to interacting with other players. I feel comfortable with zombie aggro ranges and have a good feel for what gear is necessary for certain needs. I have no way, yet, to store loot so I am basically using my time in-game to experiment rather than focusing on bunkering up. I hope to change that when I find a good group to play with. Have You Worked In A Team Before?: I have worked on many teams. Teamwork is a part of my daily real-world job. Also a prime example of my teamwork is my experience with EVE Online. I built a 100-man corporation that started a large alliance from the ground up and ended up as the driving producer of super capitalclass ships for one of the largest powerblocks. I also played CS 1.6 competitively with a clan and am very comfortable with the team aspects of FPS games. That is, in fact, why I am applying. I was also a raider in WoW for some time. Thank you for your consideration.
  9. mdttheory

    DayZ Freezing

    My wife is having the same problem with her laptop. It seems to me like it's an issue with the video card not having enough memory to store the textures. Anyone have any suggestions? The in-game settings are all at lowest besides 'memory used' which is set to default. I went through this thread which didn't fix the problem: http://www.moddb.com/forum/thread/arma-2-ultimate-tweak-thread
  10. mdttheory

    Forever stuck at loading

    Same issue. Let me know if I can provide any more information; testing more now.