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About machoo11089@gmail.com

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  1. Me and a team mate joined server US128 Texas hosted by U.B.C.S. and 20 seconds into the game were killed by a hacker auto teleporting us individually off map and killed via a script or command(I wasn't fired at). There were 4-5 people in that game before us, and if we were immediately singled out it is somewhat obvious to me that they were all in on it. I don't know if there is anything I can do about it other than to warn other legit players to avoid this server, because apparently it is hacker friendly if people get away with crap like that. I lost everything because we were trying to set up a camp. This clan needs to be more responsible for their server or take the consequences of hacking on it and ruining people's experiences/and wasting their time.
  2. machoo11089@gmail.com

    Trading L85A2 AWS for NVG and M16A4 ACOG

    I'm having some trouble with my base server, and I am having to transfer my loot to a new one. This may be a bit, but I wanted to let anyone know what I am doing and that the offer is now the L85A2 for NVG and rangefinders. I'll add ammo for the l85 up to 9 stanags.
  3. machoo11089@gmail.com

    Trading L85A2 AWS for NVG and M16A4 ACOG

    found an m16A4 w/ acog. All I need is NVG actually, but who knows I might just find that some other time.
  4. machoo11089@gmail.com

    Trading L85A2 AWS for NVG and M16A4 ACOG

    That is the crappiest excuse I have ever seen. Also, since heli's are rarely a sign that there will be a l85A2(either because they're raided or because it doesn't always spawn on the crash) you can't really value the weapon based on heli crash rarity. That would be an underestime of howrare the weapon really is. On a pracical note, the L85A2 is great because it also uses stanags, so ammo isn't an issue!
  5. machoo11089@gmail.com

    Trading L85A2 AWS for NVG and M16A4 ACOG

    Okay so you are saying an m16a4 acog that appears in a barracks is more rare then a gun that only appears on some heli crashes(crashes that don't respawn loot until a server restart, and then appear in entirely different places all together)? That doesn't make sense. Proof: L85A2/AWS Vs. M16A4 ACOG http://www.dayzwiki.com/wiki/L85A2_AWS http://www.dayzwiki.com/wiki/M16A4_ACOG
  6. I have a legit L85a2 AWS for trade that I found on a Heli crash today..I am looking for a set of NVG's and an m16a4 ACOG in exchange for this rare and valuable weapon.
  7. I have a legit L85a2 AWS for trade that I found on a Heli crash today..I am looking for a set of NVG's and an m16a4 ACOG in exchange for this rare and valuable weapon.
  8. machoo11089@gmail.com

    Official US 1040 Colony Thread

    Hunter is a fag. Don't be so quick to ban people who are legit survivors. IF you are too much of a whiny bitch to not be able to take a "fuck off" then you shouldn't be playing this game because no one wants to hear your little bitch ass voice when you inevitably whine all day.
  9. machoo11089@gmail.com

    Green Mountain?

  10. machoo11089@gmail.com

    Camouflage net ( for vehicles )

    This idea is a must. Seems too easy to implement seeing as the camo nets are already supplied in arma 2. I hope to see them in game one day.
  11. It is the barb wire being all messy and causing these artifacts. I have tried the default setting among them all. I think it might have to do with my amd graphics plugin or something.
  12. machoo11089@gmail.com

    [Fix] Battleye not updating, kicked as a result

    It didn't work. It fails updating in game still. I put both of them into both the arma2 BE directory and the OA BE directory. I could be playing on a server with a lower version, so it could just be the server's fault.
  13. machoo11089@gmail.com

    six launcher: bad version, server rejected

    same problem. I updated Zday through sixlauncher to 1.7.4 and tried to play on one of the updated servers, but evrytime I would ge this message. I think the first time I actually got through, but I then got the loading screen that never went away.