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Everything posted by lewis.hopkins@hotmail.co.uk

  1. lewis.hopkins@hotmail.co.uk

    Key has been stolen:(

    hey guys, i downloaded taviana and it stole my key, i was wondering what i should do now? thanks :)
  2. lewis.hopkins@hotmail.co.uk

    Key has been stolen:(

    fuck you because this is where i got it from -************************* Member warned, out for a while.
  3. lewis.hopkins@hotmail.co.uk

    Global ban #57e240

    Hi guys, i havent played dayz in a bout 2 months, and i tried logging in last night, and got the message global ban #57e240. I have done nothing wrong so before you say "you dont get banned for no reason" well i have. Any advice will be apprieciated:)
  4. lewis.hopkins@hotmail.co.uk

    Global ban #57e240

    well i wont because i cant play it? :L
  5. lewis.hopkins@hotmail.co.uk

    Global ban #57e240

    i download taviana, that may be it? how can i get this fixed?
  6. lewis.hopkins@hotmail.co.uk

    Climbing Trees

    Hello:) I was thinking another cool way to get a vantage point on a town or escape zombies is to be able to climb trees. When climbing you could fall out and break your legs, this would mean that people couldn't sit up in a tree for hours. What do you think?:)
  7. lewis.hopkins@hotmail.co.uk

    Looking for a Possy;D (EU)

    Hello, i have been playing dayz for a few weeks now and i am getting bored playing on my own, i convinced a friend to buy the game but he never wants to play it:( So if you are looking for a group to play with send me a message:) Btw it would be good if you lived in europe and have skype:D Thanks....
  8. lewis.hopkins@hotmail.co.uk

    Looking for a Possy;D (EU)

    Yeah and it "pussy" not "possy"
  9. lewis.hopkins@hotmail.co.uk

    Looking for a Possy;D (EU)

    Thanks alot it sounds great, but dosent TS3 cost? thanks:)
  10. lewis.hopkins@hotmail.co.uk

    Climbing Trees

    Yeah thats a good idea, could work!:D
  11. lewis.hopkins@hotmail.co.uk

    Change the inventory?

    After playing DayZ for a few days now i have got the hang of the inventory. It was really confusing at first espicially with the bags and all. Also the whole layout is still not very clear. Do you think they should re-haul the inventory and bag system? Thanks :)
  12. lewis.hopkins@hotmail.co.uk

    Climbing Trees

    I'm lost? :L
  13. lewis.hopkins@hotmail.co.uk

    Zombie Clothing?

    Hello:) I was thinking that it would be cool if there was a rare drop of clothing that looks like a zombie. Just like the gillie suit just skinned as a zombie, this could camoflauge you into a zombie making you harder to spot from Players and zombies. What do you think? :)
  14. lewis.hopkins@hotmail.co.uk

    Zombie Clothing?

    Yeah that too :)