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Everything posted by indominator

  1. no npcs, i think you havent been lurking enough, or you havent lurked suggestions before. Also, bases must be made by players, not as that other game i wont say the name. And forcing people to play away from their friends is the most horrible idea i have ever heard. dude, this is so fail and graveyard
  2. indominator


    only if super ultra rare
  3. indominator

    Tv ads

  4. indominator

    Fishing,swimming, Fishing rod, and Raw Fish!

    most of them already discussed
  5. indominator

    Spawn in groups.

    maybe, but you actually have to join them, since this game is "authentic" you cant just spawn in there with your friends, most of the fun is to gear up, remember "authentic", this will make you understande what the devs are aiming at
  6. indominator

    DayZ map set in USA?

    what about brazil? its a nice and lovely country and we have never had lots of zombie movies set here, we had some here but they werent that famous, but sadly theres very few guns in here, mostly are garbage quality.
  7. indominator

    Play Dead?

    so it would nead to be a button like prone(z) that you could hit anytime, this could be a nice way to say i give up too, or surrendering, this could diminish lots in murder, so i would tell you to give up, and loot and remove all your weapons, hidden pockets from looters, and then the victim could survive
  8. indominator

    Zombie idea.

    very nice idea, i remember cell, from stephen king, the zombies slept at night and have to eat too, i think they didnt need to defecate or urinate or whatever, but they were always in packs, loved that idea. I see that the packs you mean are like wolves, if rocket say that their brain is not totally gone that could happen, but the interesting thing could that players would one day find out a way to go unoticed in the middle of them we could use it and try to manipulate it. Sheep herds always stay in group so they will always follow the stray, so almost all of them will attack the survivors, but if you could fool the zombies into thinking you are one of them, you could weaponize them, its dangerous but a nice idea, i think. some ideas, this should be added, but the zombies should have a low need for food, so they wouldnt need to eat everything there is in the cities or wherever they are oh yeah, and when almost starving to death zombies can try to eat anything and become more violent or try to attack other zombies, and when one of them dies the starving zombies will eat the corpse of the zombie if they were not chasing a survivor, they could prioritize into the good food source that survivors or animals are. When not hungry they will only attack threats, survivors and agressive animals.
  9. indominator

    More Camo Weapons

    graveyard, this topic is totally empty of content
  10. indominator

    Kickstarter and other things

    dean hall wont use kickstarter, they are a big company with lots of cash, they dont need backers, they have real investors and their profits from other games, so if you want to support just buy their games
  11. it looks more like your 3 months were actually 3 hours...
  12. indominator

    Clothing, Apparel

    At eurogamer rocket stated he is aiming at autheticity, and let me tell you that everyone does it in games and other entertainment industry, because if we cant relate the game world to ours we break imersion and we end up not enjoying it, as i can see he is trying to go for a lot of authenticity, despite the zombies that should proly be taken from elsewhere
  13. indominator

    Wild Plants

    so, we would need a nice way to spot herbs, but we would need to identify them better at our inventories than in the wild, and we would need to experiment to understand what they do and the combinations we could make
  14. indominator

    Advanced basebuilding (levels)

    this is so Unauthentic, but its a nice idea, if it could feel authentic than prolly yes, but since it feels so generic and "gamey" to me i believe this should not be implemented
  15. indominator

    Poker is Dayz stand alone

    nice idea to be added after 3 years of base building
  16. indominator

    bee farming

    bee farming, to do that you would need to find one or create one, also would be needed the special clothing so you dont get killed by all the stings, this also could be used as protection, some ideas, could be nice, but nothing we should implement initially maybe in the very far future
  17. indominator


    at least theres autolanding for planes in arma, but in take on i hope there isnt
  18. well, i think scarier not in a spooky way, like the horrors where its more psychological that actually a physical threat, maybe he meant in a more normal way, almost as scary as the first time you see for the first time, i remember i couldnt even do shit, i got so spooked, and then i remember my first firefight, oh my god it was like i was having a heart attack, if zombies had that, oh my god that would be wonderful. Also, from one of rockets early interviews i believe i heard him say that new maps will be sold separately, but maybe cherno plus has islands with bridges and a river system, i doubt it
  19. indominator

    What if ........ server hop!.

    ok, imagine playing a game in it saying that you cant play it for a long time, bye bye players, thats what happen, one minute is ok, i am accostumed to wait even worse time, but one hour is stupid, no one will dare play it anymore, also use search function, the topic of server hoppers was so much discussed we dont need to talk about it anymore
  20. indominator


    search is your friend
  21. indominator


    guns will be treated as objects, and they will be able to get customized a little i think, someone should have asked him at eurogamer
  22. No, no backstory, although a big entereable building is a nice idea, and maybe hidden rooms is also a nice addition, theres crazies all around the world who believe in the apocalypse and they prepare for it, but we all know its mostly the military that will survive, some safe rooms and gun depots are hidden from normal eyes, so you could enter a mansion and there could be a hidden keypad to open a hidden safe room, not too hard to implement, but a nice idea. Secret entrances like that would not fit the game itself, its too much the spooky cliche, but if we could make a base we such possibilities than maybe yes
  23. indominator

    Character Customization.

    of course yes, but rocket said in the eurogamer conference in his panel that he will add customization
  24. indominator

    Having to zero your weapon

    i think this was already discussed, but whatever i think this could be a nice implementation
  25. indominator

    Wiping all tents/players/vehicles.

    tl;DR no wiping, that wont help combat hackers and exploiters, also if you dont want the world to change go to a private server and go play alone, this is a survival game, and the world should change and we addapt to its changes, but now we only have players addapting to players and thats the magic of this game, we make the game evolve in a natural and surprising way, we literally build it, if you dont like change dont play public anymore