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About indominator

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    Near north pole, all zombies freeze
  1. Ok, lets get this over with, i like team deathmatch, i may even buy a game for it, yes i like COD and its pvp, but i played most of the single player and some few matches here and there, but i loved much more the Cave by double fine, which is awesome, i am not a pvp player. So, lets just say you are an old dog, and you dont want to be beaten by 15 yolds who have better control skills than you, or you just suck in most shooters despite beying young, and you like to explore, zombies and minecraft building stuff. So you hear about the holy grail that is dayz, you pc may suck but you can play it with low specs with a decent enough frame rate. You master the world, group up or joing a clan, you get better loot and survive more and more, mastering everything, maybe get killed or kill some people, but you survive, than you go and discover vehicles can be repaired, you make some and have loads of fun, its like you were actually surviving and seeing the bright side of the apocalypse, you discover lots of new places, from the radio station, to abandoned castels to a totally destroyed town, all of cherno has a different aspect, each is unique and its all beautiful, then you get to pilot a chopper, nothing could be better. And then you face a serious problem, you ran out of things to do and discover, your friends like pvp, so you go and help them you still try to keep the bright side of the game, you steal stuff now, its awesome to rob cars and ambush, but then it starts to fade away slowly, you wanted to see new places.... and theres nothing new to do, at least you play with your friends. And this is where i get at, my friends stoped playing it, they went to ++++ but as we all know its pure garbage, so now they are looking for a new thing to play, but most of what they play is bf3, and i love dayz for what it has brought to me, it made me understand that i am an explorer, i dislike a little pvp and doing the same thing over and over again. Geez, i am bored with most games that are out now, i play them once for the story, and i almost never play it again. But it looks like the new map is gonna be full of new stuff, wow, utes has been added. But is it just the same boring cherno or is it being totally reworked and modified? Oh look, new areas, a swamp, hmm a new area? shouldnt it be the new kamenka? well, what about caves? I loved them on dear esther, they were gorgeous, oh, in 2014 it appears, well, what about bases? the mod people are working on it, probably will rip it off from wasteland, its nice, but its too military and not something you try to scavenge for, you just get a piece and put it there.... but its sure nice the bases afterwards... but its all for pvp.... well, at least we are going to have character customization, its a plust, but nothing like the areas in dear esther.... proteus sure is nice and has nice islands, journey is also fantastic, well, i just hope in the future when i hear about it again it becomes the holy grail is was promised... tldr: a great quantity of people came for the holy grail, we got it, but it wasnt what we expected, and we are the non pvp guys, so until it becomes our holy grail most of us are gone...
  2. indominator

    A DayZ bedtime story

    man, this has inspired me to go and write one too, but tomorrow, today is a full day
  3. indominator

    Realistic Map Use

    @enforcer, i think we should forget the moving icon, it would be a jpg with nothing on it, pure realism and it doesnt rotate, and we would need to hold compass in the other hand
  4. indominator

    Elite clan recuitment

    cqb? I always thought it was CQC. Also, hierarchy or not? How many members, teamspeak? Is there minimum age requirement, i dont want to play with kids their voices urge me to kill them. you should tell us a little more about your clan
  5. indominator

    temporary perks

    welcome to the forums, where OP doesnt care about OP
  6. indominator

    Areas/Regions need certain items to enter?

    a place with spilled toxic waste could be a nice place to avoid zombies, the sewers could be a nice thing for that, even a metro station would be nice. New places to exlpore would be the thing to make me come back to the game.
  7. indominator

    [SA] PvE-PvP events

    the hordes of zombies have already taken over cities, thats why all cities have zombies, dont you get it? Cities are not safe anymore, and we are just expecting the features to let us build our settlements with nice farms away from everybody
  8. indominator

    You Need To Add Ramen Noodle Soup To The Game!

    they have the prop already, its just a matter of adding it to the game
  9. yeah, fungi is a good cause, but we would need breathers, and atmosphere would be almost unbreathable, the game survarium is using this, but with the stalker zone thingy. It does not creates zombies, but just more spores, in the xfiles series there was a similar thing wich created zombies but they got close to burst open in the face of the victim so this new host one would seek more hosts to infect, a cycle. I think we could stay with bacteria, maybe saying that a space probe mad contact with aliens and it returned with the virus, maybe, the asteroid idea is not far fetched, it could happen, and science fiction dwells in the improbable. @ Chabowsky i like your idea, the info snippets should be confusing and controversial, one denying each other claims, maybe someone can find a morse code telling the true story in a hidden lab? Dunno, one thing i know is that sometimes when writing a mystery about a murder, most writers only decide which character is the culprit only in the ending, so everyone could have been it, so why not use this ingame, most people would know most theories were wrong, but maybe theirs could be right, and thus people would choose their favourite and side with it I think the most important thing is that we will never know which is the true and how well these flawed theories will be shown to the player. Like a board telling people to use a rebreather when outdoor to avoid spores, but we know there arent any, or are there?
  10. the explosion and heat could destroy the bacteria, friction with atmosphere would destroy every carbon structure on its surface, for the inside it would have to be guarded by a verhy thick layer and the piece would have to be something like a solid metal full of cavities to hold a plethora of bacteria. I am not a scientist, but your idea is possible but theres not a lot of stuff that comes through but is destroyed in impact, but theres still a possibility for that to happen and by some miraculous way for the bacteria to survive, it has happened before but they are almost always common bacteria, i think most of the time they are just aminoacids if we get lucky, but a bacteria would mean life beyond and probably that the theory for life generating from outter space is a possibility. Its more probable for the cause to come from our planet Why dont you just say the new strad of tuberculosis mutates and incorporates rabies? Improbable still Look, its flawed and very improbable to happen, but we are making fiction so we could say it happened, it depends more on mod team to add journals indicating the origin and how UN tried to deal with it.
  11. indominator

    Idea about airports [SA]

    its hangars, not hangares. I thought you were going to ask for international airports, with a big ass terminal, loot spawn is already being worked on, relax, your suggestion is not new and in videoblog they showed how stuff will spawn, all like you asked for.
  12. Yeah man, something like that all actions before implementation would have to be forgotten because for mapping player interactions would need some new variables, code, and a lot of work, which would all be server side, it would be a heavy thing to calculate, maybe. Player intangibles(interactions) are difficult for a computer to understand, but if we try to understand them from their "jobs" we can try to understand what they are trying to aim at, maybe in respawn you could start with similar numbers that you want to get to, this would also help map players desires, and tweak the code afterwards with the new data.
  13. indominator

    Suggestion (Graveyard)

    they already have graveyars, but because they are small towns they dont appear, and rocket is going with a more feasible zombies than the ones that can dig out of their graves, think rabies
  14. teh bad thing is that arma 2 is made for power gamers, people with skills to hit button and have better reflexes, for a better environment for team creation we need less focus on pvp, it must be in the game, not removed, but however it is implemented there will always be griefers, bandit or not, so i would go with a system not on humanity neither on skill, but reputation, so lets say you play alone, and you survive for lots of time, you gain some reputation, it is not measured by a number, but a percentage, like 54% explorer, 12%socializer, 3% KOS, 21% medic, if you spent time with other people you would gain the socializing trait, it should have a percentage maximum, like 40% and the more you play with other people it would keep growing until 40% and you would receive its benefits according to the percentage, some activities like killing innocents would diminish it, this way people inside clans could have the benefits, the benefit could be +12(%)*0.25 armor. for the other ones would have benefits to help but if you are a murderer maybe the benefit could be how well food replenishes your life like +3(%)*0.25 per food, so you could go back faster to the fight according to your KOS % that you got for killing people, it would go down with time this is an idea to be developed, you would already start with 100 with percentage caps already distributed, and how you played the game would change those percentages changing the benefits that would fit your game style. i write confusing, but plox read it, this system isnt level grinding but adapts for each player so if you want to focus on something like mechanic you can and will get advantages, but you will lose some benefits, this is supposed to give a helping hand to other players wich are terrible at shooting(like me) and help people get encouraged to focus on their desired activies and if clothings gave benefits for each activity people would be able to spot an engineer and know that he is not a shooter, so easy kill or maybe a nice addition to the group.
  15. indominator

    Twig snapping noise shouldn't be random!!

    speed and proximity to bush, if runnig and bush sound made, i think, thats an easy way to do it, a more complex could be confusing