Server: DayZ - UK127 ( (Veteran|3D:ON|CH:OFF) - ShaBooZey (thats its current name as of posting anyway) Time: 7:50 - 7:52pm BST What Happened: So me (xX-Dante) and a friend (Greg) had recently died and lost our vehicles and were now on the hunt for our vehicles across the north. We found quite a huge stash of vehicles in the north which we recognise from having seen it a few days before where we had stolen some of the vehicles. After waiting for my friend to catch up to me as we had separated to cover more ground we spot a guy sat at a tree staring straight at us. We both take cover and at this point I disconnected with the BattlEye message "Ping Too High". Not so bad I thought as no shots had been fired. I logged back in and started firing at this guy who had been watching us. He gets a good shot on me taking me to 6k health so I hide behind a tree and bandage. As I'm doing this he runs close to the vehicles and another guy ([sBZY] Thor) spawns in next to me so I killed him with my m4 sd. Obviously giving away my position to the original guy who was now searching for me on the other side of the tree, I decide to jump into the nearest car and drive away, Shots are fired at the car hitting the metal and smashing the rear glass of the pickup. Then all of a sudden "Banned" across the screen and the same for my friend who will probably reply to this post. Album link: One image shows the banned screen during the getaway. One shows me trying to rejoin, and third shows the server list screen with the MOTD for the shaboozey server right before the notice telling me i'm still banned.