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Everything posted by Ajvkorn

  1. Does this not seem crazy? Thermal can be annoying and I have to say why wouldn't they add this? It should be able to go normal, thermal, and night vision. Really hope they change this at some point. Anybody else agree?
  2. So I was watching a video by Rhinocrunch about how to change skins in Dayz. You see hackers have them all the time. As far as I know, I don't see how it could get you banned, but I wanted to see if anybody knew for sure. You don't have to download a script or hack, it is just a skin. It provides no advantage over ANYBODY, just makes you look badass. Can anybody confirm yes or no if you will get banned(globally), idc about server bans. Ty guys!
  3. http://www.twitch.tv/sagemblack
  4. Ajvkorn

    Could my computer run this mod ?

    Someone posted this on another thread http://www.systemrequirementslab.com/cyri/ run that and it will tell you.
  5. Ajvkorn

    New equipment

    600-800 watts CPU: i5 or higher(no point getting i7 if this is purely a gaming pc. The only difference between an i5 and i7 is pretty much hyper threading which is useless in games) Ram: 6-8gb, imo 6gb being the new standard Motherboard: Only really need to spend about 100-160$ on a motherboard that is compatible with your items. Asrock seems to have stepped up it's standards(it's what I have) and a lot of techies I know from newegg preferred it to me. GPU: 6k series from AMD or higher, GTX 560 or higher from nvidia. SSD: 60-120gb for your OS and some games HDD: 1tb(seems to be new standard for gamers due to large amount of space required for games and how cheap the 1tb HDD have become. OS: Windows 7 64 bit. Your best option is to do research. Intel > AMD and anybody who disagrees doesn't understand CPUs. AMD is not bad, but intel is superior. AMD is more for budget builds. Nvidia vs AMD. Either one will be fine. I personally chose a GTX 560 as I always had ATI/AMD. SO far it's great and I plan to get another gtx 560 so I can sli.
  6. Ajvkorn

    Could my computer run this mod ?

    Your card is technically two gpu's smashed together. It would be around the same performance as if you cross fired two 4870s, although it's been awhile so I am not sure which one scales better. Your weakest link IMO, is your cpu, but you should still be able to run it. Being only an AMD quad core at 2.2ghz is the bad part. AMD worries more about cores these days, which is why they have 6 cores and 8 cores, and intel only has 4(main stream cpus)
  7. It use to be that way. I was on Us124 and there were 4 people total. I was running across the field in elektro to go to the east hills when I thought I heard footsteps. I looked around, but saw nothing. So I continued running and heard an echo..I immediately talked in direct chat asking if anybody was there. Sure enough, a hacker comes out of invis and says ya I'm here, while laughing. He had a golden ak with a hacked in skin. I laughed and said "don't take this personal, but" and then aborted.
  8. Ajvkorn

    Your incompetent team mates :D

    Ya my mates and myself found a helicopter. Was about 6 of us. After all dieing(well the majority), after about an hour or so we got it up. It was on skal island. We flew it over to Kamyshovo to fill it up and all of the sudden our mate decides to say "okay I am going to fly it closer". I guess nobody but the first pilot knew he has never flown before and ended up nose diving into a hill....Was upsetting. But, that is Dayz!
  9. Ajvkorn

    Will the standalone support 40+ servers?

    Ya great, so we can wait 15 minutes to load in. :(
  10. These are NOT zombies. No matter what anybody tries to say, these are infected humans. You are absolutely right that they should be rotting or losing limbs. Zombie's would be losing muscle mass as their bodies are decomposing and would not be able to run as fast as a human. The fact that you can shoot these "zombies" in the chest and legs to kill them is also just proof they are not zombies. Only way to kill them should be the head. With that said, I think it is the arma 2 engine that makes them run like that. Rocket is probably limited to what he can do with them.(at least that is what I am hoping because fast zombies are not scary, it's the slow ones who are in LARGE amounts that will screw you up.) I keep trying to say he needs to slow them down, increase their power, make them ACTUAL zombies, not run in zig zags, make them into hordes, and as somebody said, have the ability to actually clear out an area. You can add some running zombies, but these should be more rare, but not so rare that you only see like 5 of them. Imagine 30 zombies coming at you and 10 of them are running towards you. The walking dead imo has the perfect zombies. Attracted to sound, but don't know EXACTLY where you are. They get the general direction, start moving towards that area and when they spot you, start going crazy and start moving faster(not running except for the rare running zombies.) and try to attack you. Unfortunately, I don't see this happening in Dayz. I think a completely new game would have to be made and have this in mind from the beginning.
  11. Ajvkorn

    Advice for a gaming pc

    horrible. That is a computer that you would maybe watch movies on or just surf the internet.
  12. Has anybody noticed a difference in the amount of scripts between the two areas? I use to "defend" the scripters in a sense that it never really bothered me because i rarely ran into them. I think it is wrong to script, but for people to call them derogatory names and get so upset wasn't something I could understand. That was back when I played mainly on US servers. Now I play with some people on Uk, De, etc servers and it just seems like every server has a scripter. Does this sound true to anybody else?
  13. Ajvkorn

    Scripters: US vs Uk servers

    I rarely even play on US for two reasons. 1) My friends play on UK, and getting 120-150ping doesn't bother me. 2) US servers never seem to have a lot of people anymore. Granted its only 9:43am eastern time, still seems harder to find a well populated veteran server. Idk why people prefer having their servers on recruit/regular. Either way, I know each area will have scripters, but EVERY de server we join has at least one scripter. And the last server we just joined proved it. Guy had god mode with the player spotting or w/e they call it. Ran straight at me into super market when I wasn't moving. Before that I also shot him in the head twice with an m14 and saw the blood come out. He was getting beat on by zombies, killed my friend when my friend shot him also and never bandaged. Oh well, I aborted before I died.
  14. Ajvkorn

    Infected Doctor...

    i've never seen a medical zombie like this until he posted a screen shot(I was in server with him, but was trapped in a bush and too scared to go see, bhaha) I do believe there ended up being hackers in the servers. We joined like 5 different servers and died by hackers most of the time so it's hard to remember.
  15. agreed with NY, especially with the subway tunnels. Imagine walking through one of those bastards with only a flash light and a gun. Although flares would come in handy. Gunshots would echo through the tunnel causing every zombies to come chasing you.
  16. Ajvkorn

    [Video] DayZ - Hostage Situation Episode 2

    what a pussy that survivor was. I would of taken them all on with that lee enfield. they are sitting ducks coming up those stairs. I would never be taken a hostage especially in this type of game.
  17. I bet for somebody who was trying to get people to like you, it's funny you only got one can of beat out of 100+ replies. lol, troll.
  18. Ajvkorn

    What is the longest you have survived?

    Can we ask another question? How about you guys also state how many hours you think you invested into your character and what your humanity is at. This will show us who just runs around doing mindless task such as killing zombies, living off animals, and such and who actually plays the game.
  19. Not zombies. Just throwing that out there. Zombies decompose, don't die when you hit them in the body, shouldn't physically be able to run as fast as a living human, and don't bash people. Zombies, want to bite and such.
  20. Ajvkorn

    The "power" of Alt F4.

    If you log out of a server in shock or unconscious, when you try to rejoin that server you will still be knocked out. Even if you go into another server and heal up. The only way is to die or when you rejoin the first server, you have to wait for the 5minute timer. Idk if it's a bug or intended. It's effective but sucks if you get kicked by battle eye.
  21. No way I would watch this video through and through till the end. The guy was in front of you and then when you got up from crouch, he moved to your right like 5 feet and you still didn't see him until he started running. Then when you shot him and broke his leg, you were aiming high. How you killed that guy(assuming he bled out) is beyond me. Your humanity was at 3850, so for 19 episodes...Idk man, just seems odd.
  22. Ajvkorn

    [Video] We're Both Dumb

    Cry me a river, leit. Soldier clothing gives no advantage. I am so tired of jackass nubs using that argument that people who use hacked weapons are just as bad. MOST PEOPLE USE THEM. They just don't realize it. You kill a guy, you pick up a mod mk, as50,etc. It most likely was scripted in. A g36 for example, gives you no advantage over an m4a1 cco sd. They both do the same damage, but have a different scope. Big deal! I am not defending scripters, but jesus get over it
  23. And the main reason people can't stay alive long is scripters. Even if you do pvp and such, eventually you will get scripted. Don't say you don't get scripted, because you will jinx it!!!
  24. No point asking this. The only reason people stay alive as long as you do it because you play on low pop servers and don't pvp. or you log in once a week. Staying alive means absolutely nothing in this game due to those facts. I could go log in now, and take a month break and say i've been alive for 30 days.
  25. Ajvkorn

    M24 Night Vision scope

    I voted yes. Not enough sniper rifles with NVG.(legit ones).