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Everything posted by Ajvkorn

  1. Ajvkorn

    Didn't we fix this shit back in 1.4?

    I have none of those problems you listed. I have tried to join a to do the random spawn glitch and it doesn't even do it anymore. Never had the display not pop up either.
  2. Ajvkorn

    Am I Cheating/Hacking

    Lol at somebody who said people who server hop should get a 1-2 day timeout to rethink their play style. It is frowned upon, but it is not "exploiting" anything. There is no respawn or protection in place that if you join multiple servers within a certain time, something will happen. If I want to go up north, I server hop on Pik kozlava to find ATv's. Don't like it? I don't give a fuck. It has no direct affect on you so get over it. If you get respawned, it is due to a bug/glitch. People who ghost on top of buildings to kill people aren't in a bad shape either. You have to log out somewhere. People who camp on sniper buildings in cherno are just as bad as people who spawn in on top of the buildings. The people who are douchebags are the ones who are getting shot at, see the player shooting, log out, ghost behind them, and then kill them. Not only did you combat log, but you also had to be a big enough of a pussy to ghost up. People want to find a good server to set up camps, so you have to server hop to see what is best for you. Just like picking out clothes, shoes, a car, etc...You want to see your options.Nobody cares if you server hop, just don't alt+ f4 or abort in combat and people will get over it. Be strong bro! And no admin is going to ban for people server hoping..Want to know why? They have more important things to worry about like hackers in their logs, not somebody who left quickly.
  3. I am having too much fun. I am sniping kids from the hills because they are trying to loot the tents and a helicopter my friend landed on the brown building across from the fire station in elektro. I don't feel bad as these guys are trying to take advantage of free gear, but so far 2 out of 3 have had guillies and I believe m4 variants. Either way, this is a troll thread laughing at you guys....trolololol #banditlife. I hope you read this!
  4. Also, there is a thin line between people being bad and you able to kill them, and somebody actually being good. I won't say you are bad, but killing bad players doesn't make you good. It just makes for a good story. :). I don't usually snipe, but I lost my mk mod to a hacker, like usual. But now I have it back again, so when my friends get on I actually run down there and have a blast...Literally :)
  5. I never said I was hard as nails. All I said was I sniped people in elektro. Troll post to make them upset that they died randomly when they thought they were safe. Btw, Box, it's hard not to stay alive when all you do is camp. Try actually playing on a high pop server with friends and not get killed by hackers. Days alive doesn't mean shit in this game if you don't take any risk.
  6. It's okay. I already left before I made this post, but either way I got my fun. I would see you before you even saw me, but have fun :)
  7. Ajvkorn

    Help settle an Argument

    lol I actually chuckled.
  8. Hacker gave my friends a helicopter today. They just died from a previous hacker on another server and I logged out before he got me to(in stary). They came and picked me up. WE later saw him again as I was watching the helicopter while they looted NWAF. Guy with a zombie skin and mk mod comes out of no where. Scared the hell out of me. I knew he had to be a hacker, but I didn't see him when he gave the helicopter to my friends. I didn't shoot and neither did he. We all got in the helicopter and headed to the west coast. A minute into the flight, he said see ya and ejected, but died haha. Was a nice guy imo :). He also made a little tent city by the power station fire house in elektro. Made our night.
  9. I was thinking the same thing. I really dislike this guy, but I am wanting to give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he is fucking around. Not exactly a good troll though.
  10. Holding up in a building with some friends, like the church or sniper buildings(not sniping, but waiting for people who decide to go up there), and KOS everybody we see. It came to the point you can't trust anybody. I had a guy run around me with a makorav and I told him to run away. He then said I want to kill you, so I unloaded on him with my mk mod...I died cause it turned out to be a hacker with god mode. Friend recorded it too. Was pretty funny until he hid my body, but I still got my mod back before he did. Point being, you don't know who to trust except your friends. And pvp is so fun of not sniping. Cqcombat is awesome
  11. After watching a video of a guy trying to scare people with audio clips, such as predator sounds, "The hidden source mod", etc etc...I decided I want to give it a try. So far I have about 4: The hidden voice saying "I see you", predator sound, and a scream he does, chick from exorcism screaming, and a t-rex roaring(yaaa i did it)...Does anybody have any other sound clips that they think would scare them on a night server?
  12. Ajvkorn

    screen shots?

    You're so very wrong. Fraps only slows own frame rates for pretty much 3 reasons: 1) Your pc isn't capable of handling fraps 2) If you are saving the recording to the same hard-drive as your games. 3) While you are recording If you are not recording, it simply acts as a FPS counter. So if you want to take pictures only, your fps will not suffer any loss.
  13. All of your points would be valid if...This wasn't the Arma2 engines fault and not Dayz...Soooo......yaaaaaa. I'll pull the alpha card in the sense of saying, you are lucky to even get to play this game. Most alpha games are limited, give VERRRRYYYY little information due to NAD's, and yet they have 1million unique accounts, and have been giving out as much information as they can...So, hush.
  14. Ajvkorn

    To the Electro Hill Snipers of US790

    I can't disagree with the fact a lot of snipers are bad in this game, but even the best snipers will miss a lot if you aren't running straight. It is very hard to try and judge a persons movement when he is just running in random lines. At this point, you just have to keep shooting as fast as you can and hope you get a lucky shot. No matter how long you try and place your shot, as soon as that person moves, you miss. If you miss the first shot on a skilled player, you more than likely will not kill him.
  15. Better than spending over an hour getting parts for a helicopter, landing near komyshovo, then one of your squadmates saying, K I am going to move it closer and then landing it and all the sudden the helicopter takes a nose dive and he blows it up...It was pretty damn funny lol. Not caused by BE though. My friend and myself were on a motorcycle and he got kicked while he was driving. I flew off and died and he came back in with no problems. Oh the fairness!!!
  16. It is very difficult to add wind into a game like this. In real life, you can actually feel the wind to determine a rough estimate of the MPH, but in a game, you don't have all your senses to be able to tell how fast the wind is moving and what direction. So, no...Don't add wind. Sniping is actually very difficult if the person running knows how to..DUN DUN DUN, Run....
  17. Erm, actually he has already said it will use the Arma2 engine. They have given us quite a bit of information, but at the same time not a lot. I'd give it maybe a 3 out of a scale of 1-10, 10 being the highest of how much we really know about the game, but it's 100% been stated its using arma 2...at least for now.
  18. That isn't how he has been doing interviews though. He has been there with the people on camera... Anyways....You are wrong. A week ago the game was not at over 200k. It has been at this number for a few weeks now. It was down to about 105k, then went back to 118k over the weekend and now back down to 110k. Either way, the only thing I agree with you on is that the interviewers SUCK. They ask him the same dumb questions that have been answered on this form or reedit. They don't ask the questions that the community actually wants to hear. I have yet to see any details on the new melee system that he has mentioned. It's always the same questions nobody cares about anymore. It's not his fault in the slightest, except that he needs to do a 100%, fan based question interview.
  19. Ajvkorn

    Slender Man

    I like the idea of a random "zombie", but as long as it still makes sense in the zombie universe. You see these videos of people going into the woods at night and getting insta killed by something with glowing eyes. I LOVE IT. I feel like it would give you that fear that you don't find in this game. I don't want it to instakill people and it should be able to die, but just to get that next level of fear would be awesome. This game needs more sound effects from zombies when you are in the woods at night. Night time needs to overall be scarier.
  20. Ajvkorn

    Finally Lost My Spirit in the Game

    Ya, but we weren't even on the coast yet. The guy had to of teleported, shot me, then shot the bus. We had a lot of gear in the bus, but didn't really care as we were geared up anyways. So all in all, only I lost my gear, but server hopped, found tents and got everything back again. So it's w/e. Sorry for horrible spelling on last post, was using my iphone and such.
  21. totally would of used if it was for iphone :(
  22. Ajvkorn

    The floating light of death.

    Doubt a hacker. Why wouldn't they kill your friends?
  23. Ajvkorn

    Finally Lost My Spirit in the Game

    I've been losing my spirit more and more. At first hackers didn't bother me too much because they never his my body of they killed me, so I could always run back to get it. Idc about stats anymore, but not they are trying to piss people off even more. I had somebody artillery the church in Cherno just for me, destroyed it and I died. Got my body back though. 3 of my friends and me were in a bus going down to kamorovo from the north, random as50 shot kills me and my friends dc and the bus lows up. No reason anybody should of been there especially with an as50 so we assumed hacker. Well I tried to go back for my body, got teleported and died along a few other ransoms in the server. Still, finally got back to my body and he hid it. That is what pisses me off. Kill me, w/e, but hide my body as a hacker? Ultimate troll. :(. Playing with a bigger group increases chance of hackers killing u is my final conclusion.
  24. Ajvkorn

    Heroes, Bandits, Murderers

    Bandits skins will be gone next patch.