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Everything posted by Ajvkorn

  1. too late..i got killed by a pre-pubescent kid.
  2. Really, daryl? lol...If i wasn't so use to get screwed over, i would hunt u down...:)
  3. Do you have vent? I just downloaded skype, although i prefer vent.
  4. Ajvkorn

    Looking for good players..

    hm i may have to join you sir. Once I get a little more geared up and familiar with a few things i'll hit you up.
  5. If no, why the fuck reply jackass?
  6. I've been playing in the same server all day today located in the US. My ping was 'round 70 on average in this server. For some odd reason, I encountered a guy in Novy Sobor with a server only containing 7 people lol. It was really random, but either way...it ended in a bloody mess. The guys name was "owner" and out of not knowing why the hell he was there, I unload my m4a1 into him. After the whole clip was unloaded(he was right in front of me), we both fell to our deaths. He had a Winchester. While I am not that mad I died(I was able to spend another hour looking for my body without a compass, but finally found it), I was wondering why it took so many bullets before it finally registered? I unloaded the whole clip into this guys chest point blank. I am not sure who shot first as my volume was not very loud as I wasn't expecting anybody to be in that city. Still, is this how the game is suppose to register a fight or is that game lag? I feel like it has happened quite a few times before. So pretty simple question as already asked, Is this intended or is it just lag? Thanks guys.
  7. I looked on wiki and it says there are lootable buildings, but none of the doors open. Am I not seeing something or did they change it?
  8. Ajvkorn

    population on the decline?

    I've only run into one hacker, but i also don't go in very high populated servers. I fixed the artifact problems myself, but for other it is just temp fix..I got lucky :). My biggest problem is glitched zombies one hitting you and coming out from dog houses or noclip through walls. Frustrating because I usually die from that, not people, but it's tolerable.
  9. Ajvkorn

    population on the decline?

    i feel bad for you guys, cause i got 99 problems, but artifacts,hackers, and video problems sure as hell....Well, they aren't my problems.
  10. that is from battleye, not the server admin. As he said "you better get rid"...That was a suggestion, not a command.
  11. i dont even understand what just happened haha
  12. Is there a reason to this? Why do i join servers to only find out that every entrance of importance is blocked off..Who the hell even has time to go around doing this???? Is it really just for the hell of trolling people? Just seems pointless sigh!! :(...ya ya qq
  13. Pretty sure I have read having a hacked gun is not against any rules. It is when you spawn them yourself. It is not his fault if he killed a hacker or somebody else who had the gun..so stop qqing.
  14. Ajvkorn

    Fencing in every entrance?

    that is what I was trying to figure out. I mean i was looking at entrances with about 2-3 fences put up in the same place lol. and nobody was even around watching them. Of course when you need a toolbox you cant find one!
  15. Ajvkorn

    Body vanished within seconds ?

    i have d/c'ed a few times, but never after dieing. When I die, I run back to my body. If I can't get there, tough shit. It's one thing to try and d/c when you ran away from the guy and think you lost him, but to d/c after you died...That is low. It happened to me by a server admin. I killed him and his buddy and they had m41 coco SD and nice items. Tried to loot their body and everybody lost connection. Reported it to the server reporting, but of course nothing will happen since i couldn't take a screen shot, but a screen shot of WHAT!?!!? Edit: even better was that when I rejoined, they were somehow both back up already and their previous bodies were gone. I killed one guy again and he dc'ed and then his friend killed me. I lost all my items and they hid my body.
  16. Ajvkorn

    Green mountain?

    I think the mountain cursed the tractor I was in..I mean who the hell dies going 20mph and crashing into a house wall inside a tractor!?!?!?!? Nobody! Except me, who had just recently visited the Mountain.
  17. Ajvkorn

    Green mountain?

    I just think at night maybe there is a crazy zombie respawn or something. Still, it's pretty funny.
  18. Ajvkorn

    Green mountain?

    I survived the god damn mountain, but not a tractor ride!
  19. Ajvkorn

    Green mountain?

    well..I died..not at the mountain though. I found a working tractor and was trying to stop and crashed into a house wall and died...
  20. Ajvkorn

    Green mountain?

    It's okay guys, I AM ALIVE! I was debating going there at night, but I don't feel like even risking it even if there isnt anything.
  21. Ajvkorn

    Green mountain?

    Tell me wtf is going on, haha..Explain?
  22. Ajvkorn

    Green mountain?

    Oh...Well fuck lol...Im afraid now
  23. Ajvkorn

    Green mountain?

    haha, ya whY?
  24. i was hit by a zombie and started to bleed out. Thinking I could just go back to my body, i killed the zombie and went to a noticeable marker(for me) and let myself die(no more bandages). After running for about 10 minutes to get there, i am NOT surprised my body isn't there. This is the second time I have had this happen to me after having quite a few things. I reconnected hoping it would be there, but no luck. No flies or anything...Just simply vanished. Unless you tell me the current can take a body out to sea, this game is so damn glitchy. And ya, this is a qq thread...You spend hours of gameplay to get it taken away by a glitch/bug.
  25. Ajvkorn

    I am done. Too many glitches/bugs

    It's funny because your argument is invalid.RL doesn't matter in this game. It was made to allow your body to be there, so your argument for "in RL u don't get your last life back", is irrelevant.