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About Sparklespice

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Sparklespice

    DayZ Stories

    All bandits are sinners in the eyes of the lord. They must be purged. I was on my way to Cherno because i heard so much about it. So much violence. So much debauchery. It needed to be purified. However, i was naive. I was going to run in there with a flare in my hand and probably fall prey to a sniper. Then i met Bran. He was a bandit but he said he was attacked first. I didn't believe him. So i looked at him and shot. However i had my flares equipped and so i just threw a flare at him. But he seemed nice. He said he would take me to cherno and show me all the places where loot spawned. We went in together. I followed him as he led me through the streets. We talked, we joked. He even quoted Gurren lagann my favorite anime. I grew to like bran in that short time we spent. He then climbed up a super glitchy ladder to look for loot for me. As he was climbing down, i knew what i had to do. Right before he hit the ground, i unloaded on him. He was able to recover briefly and shoot me a couple times, but I finished him off. That bastard. He asked me "why?". "why'? i replied. "because a leopard can't change its spots, you bandit scum." I didnt touch his gear. It was unclean.