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About TGH

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  1. Holy crap you're from Mold... I live in Wrexham haha.
  2. But I've never cheated on DayZ and have never intended to do so.
  3. Read that thread already, didn't work.
  4. Bump also, I'm also getting this problem. Same problem as shown in this video.
  5. TGH

    YouTube + Video exporting HELP

    I don't use Premier but I use Vegas, maybe the same option is in premier? Try find an option called "Maintain aspect ratio and untick it" Then when you render in 720p or 1080p it will stretch your video to that size allowing it to fit perfectly in the youtube player.
  6. As we were playing DayZ and hoping to capture some footage for the next Vigilante episode, I happened to do the closest shot in the world! The gun used was an AS50 and the aim was shaking since I had just been running which made the shot a bit hard to line up.
  7. Thanks but unfortunately Capulet we don't play payday the heist ;)
  8. Thanks, yeah the second one had more action. Logged on that night and stuff started happening straight away lol.
  9. Another night of playing DayZ and another load of action! This is our second episode of our Vigilante series and we hope you enjoy it as much as the first. First a UAZ passes us and we react quickly to get out and shoot. We then heard a helicopter above us full of guys and tracked it until we could get a clear and good shot. After heading further down the road we heard more vehicles and it turned out to be a Ural and another UAZ. Heading towards Novy we seen a guy roaming around but weren't sure what gun he had, whilst heading for cover we seen another guy in the distance and a plane. He then met up with his friend and went to the camp that they had nearby with 7 vehicles. After calling it a night and heading to a hiding spot for our car, we bumped into a car full of 3 people and tried to take them out.
  10. TGH

    DayZ Vigilante

    Part 2 is on its way ;)
  11. TGH

    DayZ Vigilante

    Thanks for all of the comments guys! ;)
  12. TGH

    DayZ Vigilante

    After a night of playing DayZ we encountered a lot of people and action, we decided to make this into a longer video with a different style compared to our normal ones. First we found 2 guys in a Military Offroad. Whilst heading to the North East Airfield we then encountered a car. We then found a crashed helicopter with zombies around it which made us suspect there was a player nearby. The server we play on has extra vehicles which explains why so many people seem to have cars. The server we play on is UK #8008 uk8008.co.uk [WHITE-LISTED] Enjoy.
  13. TGH

    Kamikaze Pilot Fail

    Haha yeah he probably jumped out of his chair :P I certainly would of lol.