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Everything posted by kyezaeta

  1. I've noticed that relative to my friends, I have very few servers available in DayZ Commander. After unchecking "Hide Unresponsive", I came to find that over 80% of the servers were deemed unresponsive and had a ping of 10,000. Joining these servers are impossible as I always receive the "Wait For Host" glitch. Thinking back, I realize that it's been this way ever since I began playing the game (over three weeks). I have also attempted to launch games via Six Launcher, but the same problem persists. Nearly all servers have 9999 ping and end with the wait for host glitch. I am still able to play the game (albeit only around 40 servers available), but playing with friends is tough, as finding a server that works for everyone is extremely difficult. As I stated before, I've been playing for about three weeks and the problem has persisted. I have been through many updates for DayZ, Arma 2, Six Launcher, dayzcommander, etc. none of which has fixed the problem. The picture below shows what most of my servers look like. Does anyone know what might be causing this? I have tried disabling fire walls and such to no avail. Thanks much - Kye
  2. kyezaeta

    What are infected hunters?

    No their not.. Those are military zombies.
  3. kyezaeta

    ok so about respawning

    This game is in a stage.. This is not even a post worthy of the troubleshooting page. It's a free modification; so either accept that it's a privilege ​to play this game and deal with the its quirks, or find something else to play.
  4. I appreciate it but as I said, I have a 100% fail rate when joining these servers.
  5. kyezaeta

    You're complaining about a FREE modification... and you put your post in a a troubleshooting forum? Yeah, you're a troll.
  6. kyezaeta

    Six Launcher: Ping 9999

    I have been having the exact same problem. Over 75-80% of my servers having 10000 ping and are deemed unresponsive. I'm not sure what the issue is. I have given the program (DayZ Commander) unrestricted access via my virus protection software. I'm starting to think that it may be a router firewall problem.