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Rael (DayZ)

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Posts posted by Rael (DayZ)

  1. Theres a giant in-game leaderboard on Skalisty Island off the south east coast mate. It tells you your K:D, headshot counts, kill asists and when your next rank up is too!

    Posting shit like this in a new players forum is pretty lame...

  2. I'm guessing everyone saying "lol go back to COD" was lucky enough to either a) start playing when you spawned with a pistol or B) have friends to help you. Either way you're not helping anyone with that attitude. OP made some very valid points, the mod is BRUTALLY difficult for new players. These are DESIGN decisions which cannot be dismissed with "it's only an alpha". This, combined with the fact that you have Youtube celebrities like the Yogscast making videos which essentially make DayZ out to be a large-scale Left4Dead is going to result in some very pissed off "customers" who buy Arma2 specifically for this mod.

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  3. ok think im gunna have to uninstall this..

    just ran for 20 mins along beach to get to cherno AGAIN (only area i hear has a gun for sure) second i arrive near the dock zombs come running down the ramp and attack me..

    im fricken crouched and moving slow, how are you supposed to even move in this game if every zomb in the map hears/sees you ???

    even fully prone and not moving im visible FFS..

    sorry DEVs but this game is curently NOT fun for newbs.. its just way way to unforgiving early on.. i can see having a need for a difficulty ramp later on but along the coast for newb areas this mentalitiy is gunna drive away player in droves.

    im not one to fold up my tent and give up, but so far ive had basicly all agrevation and no fun..

    I'm with you. It's way too hard to get a gun. The guns are in buildings... the buildings are guarded by 3+ zombies... you aggro zombies trying to get into the building... you train the zombies to another building... you get killed while trying to loot whatever you find in that building because you have 6+ zombies swinging at you.
