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About Pawn01

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Pawn01

    Does Arma2 require ram?

    2GB Ram is like having no legs... get some RAM
  2. Pawn01

    Be on the lookout - KoS Clan

    Keep on saluting?
  3. Pawn01

    Is this a starving game?!

    With all your scavenging you have likely found enough tools to go hunt your own food. You need between the two of you, 1 Hunting Knife, 1 Hatchet, 1 Box of Matches 1) Freshly Killed Animal. (You can use the hatchet to kill it, knife to gut it, hatchet to go get firefood, matches to start fire, gutted meat to cook with.)
  4. Pawn01

    2 Players, 1 Computer?

    If I have two steam accounts on one computer, do I need to uninstall DayZ for the original steam (mine) in order for her CD key to work? Or do I need a whole new installtion of steam (basically Steam on C:\ and Steam on D:\ ?? Thank you again for the replies!
  5. Hey guys, I've been doing some reading on here, and not quite sure if I understand correctly. My goal, is to allow my girlfriend to play DayZ with me. I have two computers one of which I play and the other which she will be playing on. How do I need to proceed to make sure she can play DayZ on HER computer (which I have previously installed and played DayZ on) with me, without messing up my characters? I am willing to buy multiple copies of the game as needed since installation is so easy now. Or is their an easy way I can just switch my CD Key on HER computer and be done with it? We will both have the STEAM version of the game. Thank you for any advice! (Also I realize that I may have to uninstall the game and reinstall it, so that she can play on her computer and I will not ever be able to use it for my DayZ again, which is not too big of a problem) - Pawn