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Everything posted by Kruse

  1. I don't know if the current ArmA 2 engine could support this, but it might be something cool for a future stand-alone release. Basically, there should be random cans of spray paint that you could find in towns that would allow players to leave messages and symbols on buildings and objects for other players and friends. This could be a useful (and hopefully not abused) method of communication on multiple levels.
  2. What about vehicles not staying in the location you save them at?
  3. Yeah, this has definitely broken/ruined the game for me. I can't make loot runs anywhere because I have to keep all of my current gear on me or risk losing because it won't save to my storage areas. I can deal with graphic issues, weird zombie movement, etc...but this saving/storing issue has taken all the value out of playing the game.
  4. Will you please learn proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation, please?
  5. This is also happening with all vehicles. They eat gear and keep returning to old save points (they appear to be relocated to the spots they were saved at pre-patch). I'm talking about, btw.
  6. I can also confirm that this is going on. Gathered up some new equipment yesterday, put it in a vehicle, moved vehicle, saved it...all new equipment was gone after the next server restart (all of the previous stuff was still there, though) and the vehicle was in the previous location. However, I did find a bicycle post-patch, and it appears to save and stay where I want it. Could there be be an issue with vehicles that were acquired/saved pre-patch?
  7. Kruse

    Zombies aggro from 50+ meters

    I get the feeling that zombies aggro way too easily since build I've been completely prone and at a reasonable distance and still have them aggro me from a random direction.
  8. Kruse


    I just had this idea, so I wanted to bump a thread for it. I think it would be great to have horse stables scattered throughout the world where you could potentially find a horse. I don't think having them be very common would be good, but just enough to keep things interesting. Of course they would be vulnerable to gunfire and could be killed. You should also need to feed them and give them water every so often to maintain their stamina. It doesn't seem like a feature that would be too tough to implement, even in the current ArmA world.
  9. Kruse

    Blood Regeneration

    After this, they can add in wheelchairs for when you break a leg. /s
  10. Kruse

    Spray paint in trash loot

    I like the other uses you mentioned, but I just posted this idea...
  11. Kruse

    Cans of spray paint for tagging.

    Perhaps a way to eliminate the "penises" would be to have the spray cans enable a group of preset symbols and numbers. Granted there would still be people who would manage to fashion crude penis drawings, but maybe it would minimize the tempation.
  12. Kruse

    Cans of spray paint for tagging.

    And that pretty much sums how how this idea would go...