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Everything posted by Wiley

  1. Wiley

    Boats with ores?

    Small rowboats, maybe even inflatable dinghies, with optional outboard motor mounts. Yes please.
  2. I like the idea of having to sight in your rifles. Also, hard use should make them slip every now and again, like if you get knocked unconscious while carrying a rifle or hit the ground while running, there's a chance when you hit the ground for the sights to get knocked a bit. I'd be all for jury rigging stuff too. Also, I'd like suppressors to work like they do in the real world. Less report with all ammo types, normal ammo gives a non-directional sonic boom sound when it goes by, SD ammo is effectively silent.
  3. Wiley

    Do something about that damn hackers!

    Actually, the correct answers to your rant were 2 of the first 3 responses. Rocket et al are working on the best solution they have (standalone) and if it's bothering you that much, wait for standalone. It really is that simple. Not quite sure what you were expecting, unless it was a rallying cry of 'Yeah! Hackers suck! They need to do something about them!'
  4. Wiley

    players are dropping real low

    Good point. Maybe I'm putting too much weight on the noisy people who are expecting a completed game and going away disappointed. I guess in the end, the only thing that will determine whether people will play the finished product or not is if it's good. I know the vision of this game I have in my head (based on a LOT of speculation) when it's completed is awesome. ;)
  5. Wiley

    players are dropping real low

    That is the main reason I'm pretty much convinced open Alpha is a bad idea. It looks to me more and more like developing a game is like making sausage. Most people don't want to see what it looks like at the beginning, they just want the finished product.I'm quite enjoying the experience, but I think the bad word of mouth generated by people who don't understand what an Alpha is might hurt the game in the long run.
  6. I would suggest going and seeing your doctor. Maybe the hacker was like the Predator and saw you have lung cancer or something. I'd get checked, dude. ;)
  7. LOL well played. You had me in an 'okaaaaay' kind of way up until the weight equipment in industrial areas. Beans for the laugh.
  8. Zombies being the sniper early warning system needs to go. The spawn distance should be equal to, or even larger than visibility distance. They should spawn before you can see them.
  9. Wiley

    Give Me a Reason To Kill Zeds

    I always assumed when I find loot on them it was just stuff they had in their pocket, but most of it got dropped just from them wandering around. You find the occasional bit of ammo on them as well.
  10. Maybe I've just never seen it mentioned before, but technical considerations aside this may be the best idea I've seen for this game.
  11. Wiley

    Bullet Path - Through Foliage

    You can hear .30 cal rifle shots for miles. Reasonably IMO we should be able to hear most sniper rifles for ~3km, 5.56ish stuff for around 2km, and handguns for around 1km. Suppressors should be one of the most sought after items in the game. I like the idea of seeing a directional path for bullet strikes. On flat ground and in foliage if you're watching, you can very clearly see which direction the bullet struck from.
  12. Wiley

    Increase zombie spawn radius

    That's what I mean. It should be that if the sniper can see the town, the zombies would have spawned already because of him. True, depending on how spread out they are he might be able to tell that he spawned them or if they were already there, but that's still better than sitting 300 meters out and having a 200 meter warning when someone else gets close.
  13. I get a kick out of different peoples' game experiences. I was so thrilled the other day, I found my very first crashed helicopter in a month of playing. It had already been looted, but it was the first one I'd ever seen. If you've got a vehicle, it might be trivial to find them, but if you don't, it's tougher.
  14. I flex my junk and the can explodes.
  15. Wiley

    Give Me a Reason To Kill Zeds

    What I would do once I'd sorted out the pathing, animation quirkiness, and ability to hit through walls is make some that can run faster than we can. Then we'd have a reason to shoot them. I predict the QQ is going to be legendary when they make it so they will run indoors again as well.
  16. Nah. If they ever come up with secure storage, then it will make sense to hate that if you like permadeath.
  17. Wiley

    Login protection?`

    No. If you're logging out in areas where you're likely to be shot within seconds of logging in, you're doing it wrong.
  18. For the immediate term? Yes. I'd say remove it with the plan to later rework it to work like actual concertina wire, where it causes bleeding and damage when you try to go through it. Also, obviously fix it so it can be easily taken down with a toolbox.
  19. Maybe he means 5.56 vs .223 Remington, or 7.62 vs .308 Win as the 'different calibers'? Only thing I can think of.
  20. LOL I just shake my head at the guys that browbeat people for 'clip' vs 'magazine'. I was trying to derail that train before it built up any steam. :) Anything that makes gun handling more realistic in games like this gets my vote every time.
  21. Not sure about some of the parts of this suggestion like reloading magazines taking time, but I saw somewhere they mentioned in standalone magazines were going to be refillable containers, separate from rounds. Single-shooting from your last depleted magazine is an interesting idea. I've always liked games that did shotgun reloading right, where you hit R and the guy started feeding rounds into the magazine, but you could switch to firing if need be and interrupt the reload. Something similar on a rifle where you hit R and he gets a round out of his pocket/bandolier and feeds it into the chamber for one shot might be handy.
  22. Wiley

    Under 100K active players

    The worst part about the scripting is by the sound of it they're not going to be able to do anything meaningful about it until standalone. That alone is what I think is going to kill the mod. They can add elements and bugfix all they want, but when a guy can drop nuclear cows on us all at any moment, people aren't going to want to play.
  23. Wait... ...but he is obligated to communicate with us on the schedule you demand? Wow, that makes perfect sense now.
  24. That still doesn't answer my question. Why do you assume the feedback falls on deaf ears? Is the default assumption that he's not going to fix the bugs out of spite, or what?
  25. They've got a 'bug report' forum, and you assume that unless they're posting in it constantly they're ignoring it? Why?