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Everything posted by shadofax

  1. shadofax

    What songs YOU think suit DayZ?

    The music for the first Resident Evil game mah brutha. sooo spooky mmmm.
  2. shadofax

    question about the mod...should i buy it now???

    Get it. Play the bootcamp on Arma2 to learn to play, then play Arma2. When you get bored get DayZ and wreak havoc! It's a great game all around. The standalone will most likely be something way different than the mod. For me part of the fun is the crazy glitches you get in the mod, lol it's funny shiz man. And it's what all the cool kids are doin :D
  3. shadofax

    Players 30+ years old

    Great post man! I too are amongst the elders lol. Just got thru playin for a bit and got tired of bein shot at so takin a break. My name is MrBaconbit in game and I'll see if I can't figure out how to change my name and put a fogey in the front just in case I run into any of yahs but I'm a west coast USer so would be hard time matchin up. Type in "Dayz - I got suckered by a kid" into youtube (my channel is same name). Only have a couple vids but both are me gettin ganked by some turds. Nice to see some not so blood thursty peeps out there!
  4. I have been playing for 2 weeks. First week learning the ropes second week been alive for days, played for hours and hours. After the usual hour hour and a half of trying to find a server (I know this is alpha I thank the folks for letting us play it is a great game but) I finally get on with no ammo but I still have a mackarov, fine I'll use the hatchet (mac draws zoms for a mile away in the middle of a field for me I don't know mebe I'm cursed), I dropped my alice pack (with tons of food and drink collected for a week) and it's gone. I log back on now I have no ammo or pistol or backpack or hatchet or food WTF. In 2 weeks I was having an awesome time now every time I eventually log on I have less stuff. I've had no problems computer wise (cept for hour and a half to get on) now I'm screwed. I guess I should just do like all the other peeps that live for 5 minutes running to buildings that don't have any doors and die. I've had no problem with hackers (I try to be picky about the servers I get on) just all of a sudden it SUCKS. I'm ranting and flaming and crying and whatever else you wanna call me but F@#$! I just had to vent. I've been trying to get some friends to play but after last night screw it. I have a wookie suit, laying in the middle of a field in bushes a mile from any stucture (crawled on my belly like a reptile to get there), paused to take a leak and I hear 2 zoms chompin on me from the head WTF? I have a map (my first one ever) and every day I look at it it has new vulgar sayings on it ( I find them humorous) and X's all over it in the shape of organs, every day is different. WTF? I can't figure how I could play for 2 weeks with no problems then everything falls apart and I'm beating my head on the table. Flame me if you want I'm done.
  5. Right on. Yeah I got over the anger after a couple days of heavy drinkin. Now I'm back up with supplies and a CZ550 and crawling thru bushes to hunt snipers. Das right, keep an eye in the backs of yer heads you effin delta bravos eyez gunnin for yeh.
  6. shadofax

    Bootcamp freeze

    Hey folks. I too just got the arma 2 operations to play Dayz. Loading the game and expansion- no prob. Finding and loading 6 launcher... wow. Finally found and loaded the 6 launcher. I read around forums to try and soften the blow of a new hard game and I read to do the bootcamp first to get familiar with the controls, sounds like a great ideer so clicked bootcamp single player. A list of all the lessons were on the right with the little check boxes next to each one, I wasn't able to check any of the boxes so I clicked go anyways and went to a big blank mission screen and clicked continue and went to an overhead view of the bootcamp and thats were the screen stayed, escape was the only button that did anything. I figure it has to be something about not being able to check a lesson box. I haven't been able to find any other posts on this. I am able to find my way onto a dayz server and play but having never played this game and not being able to practice at bootcamp is making it a little tuff. Any help please?
  7. shadofax

    Bootcamp freeze

    Thanks Aftershok I'll try that after work today.