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MrX (DayZ)

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About MrX (DayZ)

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. MrX (DayZ)

    Sick of the M4.

    Press 'T' to switch fire mode. Works fine for me.
  2. MrX (DayZ)

    Bandit assisted suicide

    Stupid teens.
  3. MrX (DayZ)

    I found an M107

    It's good that it takes many different kinds of ammo, but it's accuracy is terrible and it's aim is the worst of all sidearms. For me, it's the worst sidearm of them all.
  4. MrX (DayZ)

    I found an M107

    Look at firestations, deer stands and military structures and you'll find more ammo. As for sidearm I would go for the G17 or M9 SD.
  5. Sounds like fun. I'm 30 and swedish. Find me on skype as Aggesan.
  6. MrX (DayZ)

    M107 vs AS-50

    M107 Pros: +Functioning mildots +Smaller profile +Zoom's in further. +Can zoom with right mousebutton (faster in critical situations). M107 Cons: -Heavy recoil. AS50 Pros: +Stonger against vehicles +Lower recoil +takes both kinds of ammo. AS50 Cons: -Incorrect mildots -Large profile Personally, as long as it's against infantry I prefer the M107.
  7. MrX (DayZ)

    Best Loadout to Compliment M16 ACOG?

    The M16 ACOG is great for medium to long range encounters, but it's terrible for close combat. I would get another weapon that would be good for close combat. M14 or just about anything in the M4-family would do.
  8. It's just the civilian and camo suit that's low res without the dlc's. Ghillie is hi-res without them.
  9. MrX (DayZ)

    DMR one shot?

    "The more you know, the more you know that you don't know" -Aristotle
  10. Use Dayz Commander or do like me, just update it manually.
  11. Rifles with magnyfing scopes doesn't allow --
  12. MrX (DayZ)

    Chatting - no responses

    Group chat only works in the lobby, vehicle chat is only for the people sharing a vehicle, and direct chat is only the imidiate area around you, like 60 meters or something like that.
  13. MrX (DayZ)

    The best sniper rifle in the game?

    I don't get it why everyone seems to prefer the AS50 over the M107. Sure, the AS50 has benefits as taking both kinds of ammo and being better against behicles, but that's it. This is what I think makes the M107 the better gun out of the two: 1. Better zoom. If you compare the two weapons zoomed in to max it's a rather big difference. Makes it easier hitting those far away targets. 2. Zooming with right mouse button, and + and - for stepless zoom, whereas the AS50 only have 2 step zoom, and you cant zoom in with the right mouse button. 3. Mildot system works. This is a BIG one! For the M107, M24, DRM and all the other snipers I've tried the mildot system has been working fine, EXCEPT for the AS50. The mildots aren't giving you the correct range with this weapon and If you're sniping distant targets and don't have a rangefinder you will have a hard time zeroing this gun correctly. Just my two cents..
  14. MrX (DayZ)

    Could today be the day?

    Stop holding your breath or you will die.
  15. MrX (DayZ)

    Want to trade my Mountain Dew for NVG's

    I drank it. Deals off.