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About Jarnis

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. Jarnis

    I have 7 FPS at the max Please help!

    You have a laptop. In general, Laptop + Gaming = Fail. Your laptop has a slow dual core processor. Your laptop also has no dedicated video card. The integrated Intel junk is fine for drawing a desktop. It is not fine for gaming. Only fix: Get a new computer. Note that if you insist on a laptop, you will either end up paying through the nose for one that manages "okay" performance or you will still have crappy performance. Because laptops just suck for serious gaming.
  2. Seen this only if the Z is too close ("too close" being something like 5 meters)
  3. You need to go fairly close to a Z while crawling for them to notice. So instead of crouch walking, just crawl. No problems getting a weapon and some equipment out of a village without aggroing anything. Tho in large cities it is usually more efficient just to run and trust that corners and archways lose them...
  4. Jarnis

    Bad Serial In Start Up! PLEASE HELP Thanks

    Don't use warez ArmA 2 / Operation Arrowhead? If you have used one in the past, you may have to clean up your registry and reinstall ArmA 2 with a legit key.
  5. Jarnis

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Client-Server stuff should go with "Trust, but Verify". Server side sanity checks are very important part of any remotely secure online game. As long as the time-sensitive stuff is client side (looking smooth and responsive) and works in normal situations as if by magic, it doesn't matter if in the case of hacking or major network faults, the intially visible reaction is "reverted" and not accepted by the server. Naturally there is a problem of performance - you could program a full "server side version of client simulation" and constantly verify that client is doing only stuff that is kosher but that would seriously hamper the number of clients you can handle per server - so you pick the battles and simplify things on the server side... and most evil hacks in modern games live in that gray area - exploiting the client while dodging server side checks. (Current DayZ mod alpha is getting hacked to bits because there are no server side checks and it would appear that BattleEye can be neutered if the number of hacks is anything to go by...)
  6. Jarnis

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Obvious effect: - The mod will receive updates until the new engine standalone version is ready for first public release and perhaps for a bit after that. - Once the majority of players have shifted to playing the better standalone version, very few will care about the mod becoming less important. Once the server and player numbers take a nosedive, the potential backlash for the mod being shelved will be almost non-existing. Who cares about buggy ArmA2-based version when the new shiny ArmA3 engine based one with all these new things and fixes is available? The whole announcement about mod development continuing is a way to keep the current 1M+ playerbase content until they can ship something standalone. Just dropping the mod today would cause them to lose a lot of hard-earned mindshare. Plus the continued mod development can be used to test things for the standalone before the standalone gets to a playable alpha state.
  7. Jarnis

    i want to put password on my server

    Against current rules. Which are not really enforced so... in theory you risk getting blacklisted by DayZ hive.
  8. Nothing new. This continues as long as the experiment to tie persistent gameplay to individually-controlled servers continues. Whoever controls the server will often end up using their access to their advantage. Yes, there are rules but everyone with half a brain understands that the sheer number of players and servers means that unless someone suddenly pays for a small army of "enforcers" to monitor and enforce server rules, nothing is going to happen to the server admins who abuse their ability to server ban, restart, password and/or close servers.
  9. Jarnis

    Day Z stand alone annouced~!

    Just got an email sent to gaming press on this. Looks like standalone is really go. Can't wait.
  10. Jarnis

    2 Weeks of Being a Server Admin...

    It is fairly obvious that BattleEye is not working. At best it flags the hackers for a later ban.
  11. Jarnis

    I found a ghillie suit in a church?

    Normal. They are rare (considerably less than 1% chance for each loot spawn spot) but can turn up on any "residential" spawns.
  12. Jarnis

    Take out .50 cals

    They would be rare if... - The game wasn't filled with hackers that just spawn themselves some tasty gear and go play "snipe the noob". - The tents weren't bugged and getting re-filled with the existing inventory at every server restart - Ammo clips weren't refreshed to full on relog ensuring even if you don't hack, you can fairly easily ensure that you never run out of ammo for the shiny sniper rifle. But when you add all these three together, you can probably get an idea why so many are running around with one... and yes, getting oneshot "out of the blue" is pretty sucky way to die. Have experienced that a couple of times...
  13. This activity requires great skill. I mean, the targets are unarmed and most likely just doing a "I don't care"-beeline to the nearest town for some supplies, hoping to slip by and grab some stuff quickly. How on earth you managed to kill so many? I mean... they could easily have flung harsh words towards you over the Direct Communication channel and let's not forget the fact that if you shoot one, you most likely aggro an infected or two and might have to run around the corner to lose it. Ten steps! And you might lose sight of your next target in the process. You, dear sir, are a video gaming god. [sarcasm, for the sarcasm-impaired]
  14. Jarnis

    Globe Ban Appeal

    "Brother" +1 new copy sold for Bohemia, me thinks. Your ban won't be lifted (and nobody in DayZ dev team can lift it - it is done by BattleEye). Get new CD-Key, remove the permabanned key from registry, apply new paid key and start with new fresh account. Oh, and if you hack again, you will probably be banned again and you get to give more money to Bohemia to fix your stupidity.