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Everything posted by FinalNinja447

  1. FinalNinja447

    R.I.P. Shaun

    Goats are satanic.
  2. I never get notifications when someone posts on my thread, even when I double-check to see if I filled in the ''Follow Topic'' square. Or if its another thread from someone, the big red button. Anyone decent enough to explain to the retard chap here?
  3. FinalNinja447

    I'm.. I'm.. I'm a horrible person!!! *sobs*

    No one here likes you.
  4. FinalNinja447

    Dear US 1337 lover's,

    I don't get it. I must be retarded. please explain to the poor chap here who doesn't understand shit.
  5. FinalNinja447

    Takistan - Is it fun?

    I've just fetched the new map from DayZ Commander, Takistan. So far, my 1 hour experience is me wandering aimlessly near the road trying to find some sort of civilization (Felt like my first time playing DayZ xD). I have no sense of orientation whatsoever (In Chernarus, I'd stay near the coast) but in this map I simply spawned somewhere in the mountains and found the small village of Falar. Barely found any decent loot ( A can of soda, beans, and chemlights). Am I near somehwere good? What's the main attraction of this map? How is it compared to Lingor Island and Chernarus? Oh, and there's oddly alot more dead bodies around the place than Chernarus....
  6. FinalNinja447

    why bother?

    With a face like yours I'd also ask ''Why bother?''
  7. FinalNinja447

    Nice to know that 2,000 bans do nothing

    Another QQ thread.
  8. FinalNinja447

    whats the deal with choppers

    Glad to help a fellow survivor.
  9. FinalNinja447

    whats the deal with choppers

    Brettz there are multiple spawn points for the Huey. However, there may only be one per server. It also seems that it tends to have a higher spawn rate at Skalisty Island (So it's a swim to there and a bag to lose, unless you have a boat). On another useful note, If the chopper happens to be destroyed (Crash, takedown, etc.) it will take 7 days until a new one spawns at a server restart. Don't now why so long but that's what I can give you.
  10. FinalNinja447


    Blood bag and give morphine and bandages to fellow survivors when they are in need.
  11. FinalNinja447

    Stuck in the ocean

    2 plausible solutions 1. Commit suicide. 2. Swim back to the shore. Other than that, good luck.
  12. FinalNinja447

    Is Devil's castle a popular looting place?

    Not much surprises to be found except a nice view from a high spot. Good place to setup up with a sniping buddy on hihgh-population servers. However, since it's far north, you won't see many folks pass through. On a loot point of view, you won't find anything special.
  13. FinalNinja447

    OMG! My 20 day character is gone!

    Then I have utterly failed in comprehending the situation and I shall back off any statement I have suggested towards you or the thread and go back to a neutral stand point.
  14. FinalNinja447

    OMG! My 20 day character is gone!

    Hey you forgot to block me off this post, so like I said. Double post. Argument Invalid.
  15. FinalNinja447

    Need help, seriously.

    If you thought the north has nothing and Cherno is the one-way to go in DayZ, you are sadly mistaken, partner.
  16. FinalNinja447

    they should make non PVP servers!!

    QQ thread again.
  17. FinalNinja447

    inside the mind of the ruthless bandit

    Kill yourself.
  18. FinalNinja447

    Thats it, i QUIT

    *Reads title* *Looks at whatever he wrote, obviously no contrsuctive critisism anywhere.* Yup, this is a QQ thread.
  19. FinalNinja447


    You'll also need to do so on your own threads*
  20. FinalNinja447


    Are you sure you clicked ''Follow this topic'' up at the upper-right corner of the thread??
  21. FinalNinja447

    The case of the disappearing cow....

    Zombies aren't the enemy anymore. Cows are. Damn cows, conspiring against us, vanishing when we get too close to the source.
  22. FinalNinja447

    Sorry Mr Hacker!

    You have basically mastered the very essence of DayZ; Survival. And you did so with great patience. For this, you get my beans.
  23. FinalNinja447

    1.Teleported by hacker. 2.Profit???

    Looking forward to that video, please post it on this thread (As an update to your thread xD) !!
  24. FinalNinja447

    Cant carry backpack with sniper?

    Have you tried putting your rifle in your backpack (Takes up 10 slots, if you put it in a bag with less than 10 slots, your weapon dies) ??