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Everything posted by Ferevig

  1. Ferevig

    yay good game

    First off, we are on norway 16, we find a big military pickup car, and we fix it takes a whole night to fix. we place the car on a REALLY safe spot, and its been there for a couple off days no problems, last night we played setup a couple of tents in the area, next day i login its still there everything is there. the server goes offline, when it come up again everything is gone, its bugged away. and the server is now gone, its combined with norway 16 veteran so because of that we lost everyhing. (gj programmers) So we lost all our shit and our car. we walk to the airfield to start scavenging again, i get headshotted by a zombie ofc, cus they headshot me every fucking time they hit me, and when im lying there faiting a player kills me, back to scratch ! (refund available ?)
  2. Ferevig

    yay good game

    no way for admins to help when they screw up like this ?
  3. Hey we are 3 guys playing on Norway 16, and we played last night set up a couple of tents and had a big ass military car, and we've had this car for 3-4 days now, we have saved it alot and used it alot, and we went to bed last night, came online it was still there and the tents aswell, went offline, the server restarted (dident appear on the list of servers), when it came back up we logged in and it wasent there anymore not even the tents.... we had alot of stash...
  4. Ferevig

    Norway 16 bugged HELP

    heeelp and buuump why is the server gone ?
  5. Ferevig

    Norway 16 bugged HELP

    i no understand why its gone, and now the server has been gone for hours....
  6. Ferevig

    Norway 16 bugged HELP

    nah checked it right before the server went offline, and when it came up it was gone :/