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Everything posted by no0b

  1. no0b

    day z is broke

    1. viewing distance is to 600 meter even if i put mine to 10000 well atmosphere is DEAD NOW! 2. not only the viewing distance is gamebreaking also the artefacts so im gona trow this game in garbage until it gets fiixed cos one thing i loved was the large viewing distance wich is gone now by some ugly fucking fog keep going like this rocked and ur ruined i prefer being sniped by some motherfucker then killing the game atmosphere with low viewing distance its so ugly and it pisses me off evertime i see the uglynes of this game what have u done to day z instad of making things better u nruin them watch the stats of players playing in 24 hours u will see more and more will stop playing because ur game is not different anymore to the other games on the marked well guys see u on bf 3 im done here for now i hope u fix the viewing distance because atmosphere is gone oh one more thing u removed the respawn button u fixed the tent dupplikation but tell me man if i dont duplicate my items with my friends i would have nothing losing my gear to hackers and fucking bugs also vehicles dont save and 90 % of the tents have fun pls let me know when u understand what i mean and ur rdy to fix it if not im not gona buy ur standalone having more fun with bf 4 then
  2. no0b

    day z is broke

    well seems like u never been teleported to death or the game kills ur gear without dupping i would lose everything as long u get hacked or the game itself bugs ur gear lost u better keep ur moth shut i can still dupp items its easy u dont even need a tent for that just saying im gona dupp all my shit and place some tents in elektro so people can come grap some gear and pvp the shit out of noobs like u check server de 1102 at 9 pm gmt+1 u find all u need in elektro as50 m107 l85a2 m4a1 cco sd m9sd rangefinder nightvision etc wont be there but the tents
  3. no0b

    day z is broke

    man i maby spell like a 12 year old but the point im talking about is absolutly right so if u cant get a point save me ur u write it wrong shit
  4. yea and not for pvp but u guys pvp so viewing distance is at 600 meters for everyone if u dont shot on sight nobody alt f4 u and u dont get it this isent meant for pvp but ur stupidy wont get it anyway
  5. no0b

    DayZ blood packs in the north?

    u have the coordinates? also i can come and save u no problem i love help people hate shot them but i do if they force me to
  6. open six launcher verify then run the update as admin if not working try again
  7. open six launcher then install the update as admin that how it workd for after few trys and yo i only did this cos my clanleader buddy told me so and i was hardly pissed at that moment
  8. no graphic is way more importand because u cana dupplicate items easy also ammo so what ur saying man is ..... we
  9. haventz installed it yet cos my server dosent have it is that true artefacts became worse?? anyway give him the time he needs dont fucking cry i understrand now that more pressure we make the less qualitiy has the patch take ur time and get things done right even if i get eye cancer with these graphic bugs
  10. no0b

    Pending Update: Build

    wtf u tell me to grow up while u put ur nose in buisnes whats not even urs instad of trolling u guys should help rocked to make the game better and tell him ur opinion instad u guys came here to troll me ??? patehic a least i try to tell him and give help but what did u do on this post faggot??? i dident even talk to u and u wannabe adult tell me to grow up? eat shit homo[Warned - Suspended 1 week - Ubi]
  11. no0b

    Pending Update: Build

    schön für dich hab ich mit dir geredet?
  12. no0b

    Pending Update: Build

    dude enghlish is not my mother langauge u fucking troll and by the way u judge to fast what shows us ur barely mind status u fucking ideot
  13. no0b

    Pending Update: Build

    by the did they nerv the revolver or m1911 ????? cos it takes sometimes a whole clip do get a zed down before it was only 1 shot
  14. no0b

    Pending Update: Build

    1. its an alpha 2. why punish people for things that they maby forced to respawn alt f4 etc 3. what about the vehicles hoarders???? 4. can u implement a non pvp server or maby get the pvp systemj from- dead frontier( f2p zombie mmo)not everyone wanna pvp its a survivor game not pvp if i want pvp action i return to bf3 cos thats much better withoput lags 5. zombiez see me even when im crawling or crouching in the middel of the night over a km sometimes 6. u cant be serius abot the respawn buttom cos if i come back from work and wanna team up with my friends i dont wanna walk from kamenka to gorka dude ur mod is not even complete and wanna punish peole for unknown reasons if i get assaulted by 10 guys ater walking 2 hours to find a pistol u think im gona waste that time again????? i love ur mod i even stoped bf 3 for day z but pls do something with the vehicle spawn and dont remove the respawn buttom cos i dont wanna walk 30 min to find a zombie that kills me finaly another thing is U BREAK U LEGS ETC BY JUST PASSING UR FRIEND IN CORRIDORS MATE IF U WANNA REALISTIC GET THIS SHIT FIXED FIRST BEFOR U START PUNISH PEOPLE AND PLS GET RID OF THE VEHICLE HOARDERS COS FOR 1 WEEK IM LOOKING FOR A CAR NOW ON SO MANY SERVER I I DONT FIND SHIT COS SOME SELFFISH BASTARD HOARDS THEM OU OF BOUNDARIES WTF ( srry didnent see caps) its alrdy hard enough that u start with nothing and when i try to loot cherni and ther eis nothing or its to dark to see something u wanna record my behavior and wanna warn me /ban without asking me whtf happen dde dont become a diktator pls ur mod is awsome we all waited for this dont mess this up pls