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Everything posted by Steppwolf

  1. Steppwolf

    New Dev Blog Report: November 2012

    About Valve and VAC, Does this mean all the hackers can potentially get their account closed for hacking and loose a shit ton of games? Because that would be awsome!
  2. Steppwolf

    Make zombies the real threat

    Well, last i checked facts don't start flame wars, opinion does... :)
  3. Steppwolf

    Make zombies the real threat

    When you phrase it like: "another PvP game like CoD or Battlefield", it really feels like you are trying to start a flame war... Besides the zombies will be more dangerous in the standalone as stated and you suck at searching the forums :/ This has been suggested many times and with 100x more sofisticated posts than yours.
  4. Steppwolf

    Searching NVG & RF for AS50 + Nato Ammo/M249SAW

    Should we really trust the bandit baron? I think not -_-
  5. Im no expert but i do not think you could add bots witout fucking the whole mod up. Either way, to script them for looting/shooting zombies would take a change to the core of the mod and i think that takes a skilled modder with much free time.
  6. Steppwolf

    Build Rolling Update

  7. Those who would trade in their freedom for their protection deserve neither.
  8. Steppwolf

    Standalone Poll: First Person Only?

    I reallt want just 1stp in the standalone, but i dont think it should be forced in the mod. Im playing on a public 1stp hive and i haven't seen a hacker in weeks on a server with around 10-30 players... :) So please, you all just stay on the 3dp servers so i don't have to deal with the hacker crap!
  9. Steppwolf

    Spawn next to friends???

    no! No! NO! Why? This would totally ravage the core concept of the game! There is nothing smart or good about this idea. First of all: you would totally destroy the game for a lone wolf, and make it impossible for the player to take out a group. Second: the lootgrief would be horrible and if people could just spawn in with their buddy in the barracks. Again making the most unbalanced system i a game ever if you were to play alone. Third of all: Your face is stupid O_o Why dont we all just spawn with as50 thermal and mk48 mod 0, oh! and there should be an option to spawn in a gunship! No thanks, this game does not seem to be for you. Start playing normal Arma instead.
  10. Of course it won't progress much more since the standalone with a new engine will come out in like a month. The community patches are set btw so from here on out the mod will be modified by productive members of the community with little help from the devs. Also i think you loose your gear because you play on different private hives where you have a separate gear from one server to the next. Protip: find a good server, play on it more than once.
  11. Hi there! I just came up with this idea after thinking of planes and hangars. What if you could attach a steel wire from your car to pull other vehicles that is damaged/out of fuel to a more resourceful town/safe haven. This would be a great addition to the standalone and would make a fun team play thing. In addition you could also find towing trucks. The towing itself would result in a slower and more fuel consuming vehicle. Also, if you're "that kind of guy", you could just hook a passed out/dead survivor to your car and drag them around lynch mob style. What do you guys think?
  12. Steppwolf

    Underrated Weapons

    Yes? In a high pop server, just go to electro and you'll probably find like 4 radios (which are scripted)
  13. Steppwolf


    Oh wait...
  14. Steppwolf

    hey rocket look at this mod to DayZ

    Am i wrong to think that this is the community build that will eventually be 1.7.4? That changelog OP linked is by the same people from 1.7.3. Or at least i think so.
  15. Steppwolf


    This made me want to be a bandit! So long hero skin!
  16. Steppwolf

    Over the top bandits, like rabid dogs

    You want some cheese to your whine?
  17. Steppwolf

    Cessna Airplane as new Vehicle

    But they are so slow, we have one at our DZ and it takes like 45 minutes to go up to 3k meters :P Get a new cesna :D
  18. Reddit.com/r/redditrescueforce
  19. Steppwolf

    Servers with advanced presets

    obvious troll is obvious.
  20. Steppwolf

    DayZ FFA on Utes! Custom loadout!

    Well... I'd rather play arma :/
  21. Steppwolf


    Hello there! Just had a little idea for those who are competent enough to make something like this happen (like the dev team mabye :) ) My idea is to basicly to merge Chernarus, lingor island and Namalsk to one map. Some changes needs to be made for it to look pretty. For instance if you travel north in Chernarus you will see a gradual change in the environment with cold thundra and a big mountain chain with huge mountains. There will be no towns on the way to namalsk only small villages with bad loot. Eventually you will find your way there by swimming for a long time or taking a boat or heli. What do you think?
  22. Steppwolf


    With the new engine they just announced it will be possible to have over a thousand player/server, so the population wont be a problem :) beanz for you :D
  23. Steppwolf


    Yea that seems cool :) If the new engine build they announced yesterday will work as intended it should be no problem integrating those maps in a server capacity perspective.
  24. Problems i see with the combat logging thing is that you can no longer alt+f4 hackers, and if you loose your connection in a after shooting your own weapon you loose your shit :/ Although that sucks i think it will be mostly positive :)