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About skotish

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. skotish

    Now you see me, Now you don't.

    think he is getting at the part of camping on a hill killing fresh spawns like a pro lol
  2. skotish

    Everyone evil?

    the cod reference above was funny :)
  3. skotish

    Wow. I can't believe this shit.

    You sir are a fooking idiot am sorry for your children
  4. skotish

    This game is ruined by cheaters

    Even thought its a ALPHA first impressions are everything and the hacker issue this game has will harm it in the long run period
  5. skotish

    Computer Questions

    Hav you got aa. Post processing.shadows turned off also turn you view distance down to 1600 arma 2 needs a high spec computer to run good and even they run into problems as the engine is rubbish hope this helps
  6. skotish

    Wow this is awesome!!!

    THanks for picking up on this Tomfin have my beans :)
  7. Use one or the other not both as six launcher changes the directory path and overwrites everything it buggers up dayz commander
  8. skotish

    Wow this is awesome!!!

    Wel Well you can tell me and others what version you are running to see if we can help :)
  9. skotish

    Wow this is awesome!!!

    install dayz commander and tell us what version of AO2 you have and also dayz m8 cheers http://www.dayzcommander.com/
  10. skotish

    [Video] UK 22 (SAS Clan) Hacker

    Excellent video fooz m8 :)
  11. This! I am still alive after my initial deaths when first starting if the nice person Nekyz_le_lama is on these forums thanks for not shooting my ass and grouping up mad the game enjoyable DON'T TRUST 12yr OLDS EVER
  12. skotish

    Cheaters die!

    You get my beans for being stupid :)
  13. skotish

    Thermal sight needs to be removed

    No this thread is full of idiots including you so wind yer frikken neck in the OPs right your wrong
  14. skotish

    Best Hacker of All Time... Scariest Moment Ever.

    From our forums lol So, Krit/Ven/Botchy/Saddle and I were near the mountains at Pik Kozlova tonight when we hear over ingame sound what sounds like a girl singing "its raining, its pouring the old man is snoring, he went to bed and bumped his head and couldnt get up in the morning" (it was like this vid: http://dayzmod.com/f...st-moment-ever/) Oh my god it was way sinister! We all crapped it and ran, Ven got hacked up by this guy running along in the dark with a flare attached to him, me and Saddle opened fire on him to no effect and he then hacked us up, then he went and fnished off Kirt and Botchy and finally he went and screwed over poor Jumpy who had litterally just logged in. I kid ye not we properly crapped it man it was so funny hearing us shouting in TS! Lol epic guys thanks for the fun!