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Everything posted by Huntra

  1. This is just a whine post. When you find some friends in the game you'll be the same as everyone else. You'll stockpile weapons and vehicles and medical supplies and ammo and you won't give a fuck. Me and my friends have camps on multiple servers. We use the cars to hit up military loot spots and petrol stations disappearing off to our concealed bases. On some servers we have 4-5 vehicles, multiple AS50s and stuff. We plan our operations on the map before we head off to maximise efficiency and shoot on sight anyone whose presence poses a threat to our operation. It's incredibly fun. All the game needs is more comms to allow new players to team up and friendly soloers to avoid shooting each other.
  2. way to express yourself with a crappy cartoon
  3. Huntra

    What about Green Mountain?

    There are worse things than death up on ol' green mountain
  4. Huntra

    What about Green Mountain?

    You don't want to go to Green mountain at night....my theory is that rocket is trying out some experimental code for some new type of zombie boss. All that can be certain if you go near Green mountain at night your senses can't be trusted
  5. Huntra

    Ingame Communication

    Don't bother with direct chat just shoot on sight, apparently this is "Working as intended"
  6. Huntra

    Banditry exploded

    Even that is wrong, when things get really bad human beings form mobs and tear each other apart looking food, they don't all decide to go solo and frag. In the real world by forming a larger group you increases the chance of being able to kill or steal from other groups you encounter as well, the limit on group size is the amount of resources you can plunder. Obviously people don't necessarily want to share the things they loot, but in the real world it's easier to give someone their share than risk going solo, the exception being when the loot is really good. Like when a criminal betrays his partner after they pull off a big job or someone ninja loots something really good from their guild in an mmo.
  7. Huntra

    Banditry exploded

    Don't even bother man. There seems to be a whole cult of 11 year olds in this game committed to the belief that when humans are under situations of danger and limited resources they all run around fragging each other like it was one giant game of free for all Call of Duty. This is realistic apparently and if you don't want the game to be this way you're a Lolscrubn00b who should play an mmo.
  8. Huntra

    Banditry exploded

    You haven't followed my argument in the slightest have you. So making valid coherent points is like a creationist? And spewing pages of incomprehensible jibberish at the person you're debating isn't? You must be from the mid-west USA. Using words to make arguments is not word play my friend. Why don't you understand that is irrelvant? We're not talking about groups shooting enemies in DayZ we're talking about everyone shooting everyone indiscriminately, as that is what happens inside the game (teamspeak is outside the game). Gang and police violence is obviously completely besides the point. Just watch Its not an "ad-hominem" (<correct spelling) when I say you're retarded. I'm not saying I'm right because you're retarded, you just are! Incomprehensible writing...
  9. Huntra

    Limit newbie posts

    Never guna happen
  10. Huntra

    zeds with weapons?

    This just isn't happening. Zeds with melee weapons could be cool tho
  11. Huntra

    Friendly Mode - by shouting.

    All this game needs is radio comms available all down the coast
  12. Huntra

    Friendly Mode - by shouting.

    Ideas like this are so dumb and for noobs. Literally this suggestion would ruin the game. The whole point of the game is that anyone can kill anyone. This turns the game into hello kitty adventure land. Yes the game needs to facilitate ways to cooperate inside the game but it shouldn't be as easy and unrealistic as this
  13. Huntra

    Banditry exploded

    Wow are you STILL talking about what the game actually is and not about my point about KoS gameplay, if you could read you would know I never said the game was zero sum in actuality. You must have some type of mental disorder, that or your English comprehension skills are fucking awful. I have done on numerous threads, cba explaining again just for you sorry. I'm not bothering to counter your 3 options because they are all stupid. Look up how radio mods work in Arma II before you start trying to throw your "infalliable analysis" around. (also that is literally the dumbest criterion of meaning I have ever heard) Way to defeat your own argument (you clearly don't know the meaning of indiscriminately). You'll probably think something stupid at this point like "but why do you think you're not my enemy" which totally misses the point, it's just you in your stupid egocentricity think I'm talking about you personally. Within this game as it is, everyone is everyone's enemy except for those that meet outside the game. You can't make a silk purse out of a dead goat and nor can you attempt a serious debate with someone how keeps missing the point everytime and just keeps repeating the same irrelevant crap over and over. People like you are so numerous on the Internet, you talk about a bunch of academic stuff to try and appear intelligent and knowledgable but in reality you can't even follow an argument. You keep people like pinker in book royalties
  14. Copied all the contents my arma addons folder into a folder named addons in my operation arrowhead folder, seemed to work. Steam updater clearly doesn't do this for you
  15. Huntra

    Does direct chat still work?

    Ridiculous distances. Global was unrealistic but this is just stupid. Might as well be called DayZ deathmatch right now.
  16. Seriously I know this is "alpha" but wtf. Why is this happening?
  17. Damn these feels worse than getting ganked :P
  18. Huntra

    Banditry exploded

    Haha damn realisitc. Walking dead is realistic! The devs need to make the game more like a messed up post-apocalyptic society and less like a world were their can be no society at all.
  19. Huntra

    Looking for Friends! Europe

    This kinda stuff sucks imo, we're in a zombie apocalypse so finding people you can trust shouldn't be as easy as alt tabbing. It needs to be faciliated more in the game.
  20. Huntra

    Banditry exploded

    Oh did you just totally miss the point of why playing in a KoS fashion is zero sum play and make an irrelevant argument about what the game is in actuality?... oh yeah you did (you also defeated your own argument by saying COD is zero sum, guess what people do in COD....KoS!). Secondly trying to argue in game radio comms and only having communication outside of the game on teamspeak is "no different" is like some horrible joke, an outside of the game connection obviously massively changes the dynamic of the relationship of people who communicate while playing the game. Gang violence is nothing to do with KoS, no gangs indiscriminately kill on sight. Everything you say is smacks of half arsed understanding and malformed arguments. DayZ doesn't even achieve the social level of gang violence as the only people that team up are from the forums. It breaks the immersion massively that the game is played the way it is right now, it is also extremely unrealistic. Please stop quoting what I've said writing such poor responses!
  21. Huntra

    Banditry exploded

    Firstly yawn if you want, or perhaps educate yourself. Secondly if everyone kills on sight, such as by killing a guy with a makarov when you are wearing a gilly with a sniper rifle then you are acting as if this was a zero sum game. The point I'm making is that this game, as well as the real world, is not. It's only poor in game communication features and the immature KoS attitude of players that makes it so. You brought up other types of game and I fail to see the relevance. There are plenty ways to change this without "forcing players" to do things unnaturally as you seem to think. Adding the Arma II mod radios to the game would fix almost everything, its unnatural for humans to never communicate and just KoS each other, this has never happened at any point in human history. I never said anything about you mentioning the war of all on all, but if you have a brain you will see how it relates to my point about KoS being unrealistic. Finally you prove theories and predict results, because of the problem of induction science does not prove things with 100% certainty like math and logic, but the word is perfectly fine to use. Seriously I don't know how you have time to write such long incomprehensible responses.
  22. What this game needs is common frequency walkie-takies that can be found reasonably easily like watches and hunting knives that can broadcast to larger or smaller radius around you depending on how you set them. They should be settable to 200m 500m 1km 2km 3km. Everyone in the radius should recieve the transmissions. This would lead to a lot of cool player interactions like ambushes, desperate SoS pleas (when you've got nothing to lose like when your legs are broken and no morphine / bleeding no bandages). Also people would have to speak in code and stuff. It would also make being a solo survivor less lonely and being a solo bandit a lot more fun. Thanks :D
  23. I can't believe something like this exists and hasn't been implemented yet! :o