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Everything posted by Huntra
That's bullshit. Most servers I've been on turn this game are far more like a war scenario than a post-apocalyptic scenario because every single person shoots on sight. It might as well be FFA Call of Duty. This is zero mistrust and suspicion in this game because there is no trust or questions about someones intentions in the first place. You can't betray someone who you already know is your enemy. You shoot if you see someone and if you get seen you get shot. This isn't realistic in the slightest, its actually making the game a lot less than what it should be. This is the type of stuff that makes DayZ awesome. And stuff like this almost NEVER happens because anyone but a new player would just open fire as soon as they saw the bus had spotted them and then the other group would of have to of shot him .
No shit but its unrealistic to say you must always have all supplies at all time. Maybe you used your morphine earlier. It's totally besides the point. And cooked meat is great, but if you are on 6k blood and going unconcious its not really worth shit. The point is that if your solo you can't even risk trying to trade with someone because the games doesn't faciliate anything but shoot on sight due to short range of direct comms. Yes I want to play solo not join a team of bandits making the game completely different, but I also want to be able to have some form of communication of someone before they are close enough to easily shoot me. The game could literally be x10 more fun if everyone didn't go around treating everyone else like npcs (unless your on a teamspeak server with some people). Even killing other players would be more fun as currently they might as well be npcs the amount you hear from them. I got this game because I saw cool videos on youtube with people taking hostages and spooking out players by talking to them before they had located you and stuff. Fact is now I've had this game a while I've realised this shit virtually never happens because nobody interacts with each other outside of bandit clans on TS. Everyone just shoots each other as soon as they see each other and not a word is spoken. I'm starting to think most the cool videos I saw were just staged situations trying to make the game out to be something it isn't. Without this stuff Dayz is just pvp loot n shoot with some dodgy mechanics. It should be so much more.
Imo playing alone can suck though no matter how skilled you are. Imagine you're on the far western edge of the map with enough supplies to get up north west for some high power weapons. You lie down on some uneven terrain while you go for a toilet and when you come back the game has bugged and you have a broken leg. As a solo player without morphine you might as well kill yourself at this point. You should be able to send out an SOS that anyone can hear for few km radius. You might attract a bandit, then again you might attract a decent guy who will give you morphine in exchange for your weapons. You might even meet a guy so friendly you shoot him in the back of the head after hes healed you. This is what the game needs:- Low tier - Common frequency walkie talkies with a few KM radius that you can find around the coast, the further away you are the less clear the transmission. High tier - GPS comms system, communicate with anyone from anywhere on the map provided they also have GPS comms. Every tier should also be able do perform the function of the lower tier comms device. So if I have a GPS I can send out an SoS on a common frequency if I have to. Can you imagine how much fun could be have with this. You're out in the middle of nowhere and you hear a faint static voice on the line. "Please help, broken legs, low on blood...please come Green mountain". At first you ignore it but then it comes again and again. You decide to risk a response. "How do I know you're not a bandit?" you say. The guy responds "Pleeease, I'll put all my guns outside the gate I just need medical supplies". You decide to have a cautious look from a distance. You see a Lee Enfield, a revolver and a hatchet lying outside the gate. The anonymous voice is saying "See now I'm not a threat please just come use a blood bag on me." You start feeling sorry for the guy and go inside the complex, hes lying prone near the entrance to the antennae unarmed. You approach the guy and now in direct chat he says "Thank God your here". You say "Don't worry man, I know how much it sucks when you're solo and you get injured". He just says "I'm sorry....". You almost say "you're sorry for what?" but then you spin around and catch a glimpse of the 3 guys with M16s that have been hiding with the guy all along. You only catch a glimpse though, because a split second after you turn around you're dead.
Read it again bro I'm not saying don't use TS though am I. I'm saying that having no good in game communication system ruins the social dynamic of the game. If people want to run around in a gang with their friends all on teamspeak treating everyone else like NCPs thats fine, it's there right to survive the apocalypse in the way they think is best. But you can't tell me that having teamspeak as the primary way people co-operate in this game is "good" for the game like e47 just did. Not everyone thinks running around in packs like morons picking off solo players is that much fun. Some people like to play the game solo to test themselves and these are the people that suffer from not being able to communicate properly via anything but the barrel of a gun.
New players don't want a negative experience of Dayz!
Huntra replied to BossFi's topic in New Player Discussion
I am an entirely solo player and only been playing a few days and if I'd started with all that the game would be far too easy. Starting with no weapons is a great way to make you learn the game. It's not a perfect game by any means, the most annoying thing for me is the oddness of loot spawns distribution, some places that seem like they should have some decent loot just suck. Other places are gold mines and not even hard to get to. I'm left finding it quite hard to believe that a town like Bor doesn't have have any Drinks in the whole damn place. Then shocked to find a barn in a field that has 5 canned drinks lying around in it. -
No just no, in the real world there are benefits to keeping people alive and engaging with them as well as killing them. It can't be like real life unless there is interaction between parties inside the world. In a real post apocalyptic situation if you were a party of 3 survivors and you stumbled upon a random underarmed guy you wouldn't snipe him from 200 yards take his stuff and move on. You'd ambush him, make him drop all his weapons and supplies on the ground and interogate first him at least, then perhaps you'd kill him after if you were inclined or let him run off with only a couple of bandages as a twisted act of mercy. Humans are often evil and treacherous in desperate situations yes, but this game doesn't even get as far as treachery because you're either a random in which case you get shot on sight or a teamspeak buddy whose alliance exists outside the game and therefore won't shoot you. This does not make a good or realistic social dynamic to game. First off it is obvious some people will choose to use teamspeak regardless of what comms are in game and that is fine. However it is also obvious that teamspeak alone is not a good social dynamic for DayZ. Teamspeak is as if a few people in the world are telepathic - able to communicate instantly from anywhere for no reason at all On teamspeak you can only be contacted by those people that are on your teamspeak server, everyone else has to try and use the useless chat system if they want to contact you which has a pathetic range in direct mode and can barely get a message off before you get shot. Teamspeak chat is entirely private, nobody else could listen in or trace you from your private chat, that again is not realistic and certainly not a "common" radio frequency. More like an encrypted communications ear piece with an unlimited range and no travel time for the communications. Which seems like a strange thing for someone who starts without even a hatchet or a watch to possess. Teamspeak is a "real world" connection with someone, you won't betray the people on your teamspeak because you are using their teamspeak and you don't want them to hate you, you might get banned from the ts server. They are mostly likely your friends. This game is good but frankly the way it is with teamspeak is making it miss out on all the best bits of a post apocalyptic society because there is no way to have rewarding interactions inside the game and therefore no way to have relations with other players other than that player being a friend / or an enemy. This is not realistic and actually far too easy, in a real post-apocalyptic world people wouldn't have friend or enemy tatoo'd on their foreheads, you'd have to mistrust everybody to some degree. Like you say humans aren't black or white, and this game makes everyone black or white as they are either your teamspeak buddy or an anonymous threat you would be an idiot not to kill before they shoot you. This is incredibly immersion breaking. Teamspeak makes it far too easy to get trust, otherwise it is almost impossible from inside the game. Trusting people in this game shouldn't be easy, neither should be inpossible, it should be exactly like a real post-apocalyptic world, trust should have to be earned which is difficult but not impossible
Imo the problem isn't blood bags. Although they are maybe slightly overpowered. The problem is that playing solo co-operation is virtually impossible as every single person just shoots on sight. What the game needs is more ways to communicate. This doesn't make the game easier, as bandits can just as easily exploit these comms to lure people as friendlys can use them to get together. The most fun times are when the game involves more of a human element, betrayals and attempts at trade etc. Making a gunless newb use a blood pack on you at gun point for example. This kinda stuff is what adds extra depth to the game. Playing for 3 hours just to get sniped as you come over a horizon is not fun gameplay, you don't even hear your killers mocking voice or see them. Its still random luck whether you get spotted even if you use the terrain perfectly. Usually I'll be shouting friendly in direct chat and not even get a response as I get murdered without even a "DIE NOOB" from my superior geared killer :(. Having to go to forums to find people you can co-operate with is just retarded for a game thats major strength is immersion. Everything should be happening in game like it was real, nobody wants to have join some douche bag clan and get on teamspeak. Give us shortwave radios with a 2km range that won't show who you're talking to or anything about their location.