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About Icy954

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. Hey, to that guy I saw in the church in Elektro. We talked about teaming up, but after those zombies I died and then we both got separated. We teamed up to kill that m14 sniper? Server: US 1154, ~7:50 PM EST Message me if this is you
  2. Icy954

    Favorite Dayz vehicle?

    Definitely the bus. Holds a ton of cargo and a ton of seats for your buds :)
  3. Icy954

    A note to the constant cry babies

    However, if you don't think the game is at least a little broken, you obviously haven't experienced hackers/scripters/exploiters. I could deal with more hacker reporting posts. 'Nuff said. Also note, you're one of many topics complaining about complainers. So why are you posting the same stuff every day?
  4. Icy954

    Dear Bandits of EU404,

    Thanks... I later saw 2 survivors walking around by the woods, but they must have saw me and disconnected before I could take a shot. lolthermalscope
  5. I've found a few tents there sometimes, but no "cities". You will commonly find boats and PBXs there, so look around. There should be a jerry can on the island somewhere.
  6. Hello. It is kind of funny how I found you. I had logged off from one server at the top of Devil's Castle a long while ago. When I logged back in on the most populated server of my choice I found your little 15+ man camp. Personally, I think you should have more guards next time. Or at least better ones. They were staring at each other for the longest time. I had also expected the calvary to charge in from a TS/vent alert. That didn't happen. I would have stuck around longer, but #55 kicked me for some reason (No I'm not a script kiddie). But hey, thanks for the equipment. Its a shame there were no vehicles to take. Regards, Icy954P.S. I left your AK74s and your Bizon because I really had no room for guns and mags. Nor did I have a vehicle to throw it in.
  7. Icy954


    Seems like yet another broken patch. Yay??
  8. Personally what I do is launch the dayz solely through dayz commander, and I have a seperate icon for OA on my desktop.
  9. DayZ Commander. It's amazing, powerful, and has filters. So much better than Six. http://www.dayzcommander.com/
  10. So I was looting around in Cherno, minding my own business. All of a sudden my game minimizes and when I try to reopen it I'm shot dead. I'm 90% sure I didn't hit the windows key, alt tab, etc. Coincidence? Hacking? Who knows? If you also find a new hack, script, or exploit that has been abused in game, feel free to discuss here (but please don't give us a tutorial on how to use them...).
  11. Icy954

    Zombies way too hard now

    Personally, I think zombies should be the following: 1. Harder to kill (in numbers) 2. Less buggy (obviously) 3. Not bone breaking I think zombies arent really enough of a threat, since most of the time there are only 1 or 2. However, if there were maybe 20 or 30 zombies together who aggro at once, zombies become a challenge.
  12. Icy954

    An Apology

    I see what you did there. Lol
  13. Icy954


    Sniping is a major problem. Its not for the loot, its for the fun of it. No matter how you put it. If they at least looted you it wouldn't be as harsh as if all your gear went to waste.
  14. Icy954

    Why are you complaining?

    You've played it for 12 hours. Okay, play some more and tell us what you find. Once you find your first hacker, there will be more. And more. And more. You'll then eventually see the full scope of scripting and hacking.
  15. Icy954

    Balanced Spawns

    This map shows that some buildings of the same type have "better" loot coming from them, or at least a greater chance of them spawning. I never even thought about the sniping, which makes it in theory an even better idea.