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About perderders

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. I notice this too. Had some great stuff I found yesterday and lost all of it :< Not sure what I'm supposed to do in this game if I can't save my gear, so I guess I have to wait until it's fixed.
  2. perderders

    Can you loot your own dead body?

    Yep! Just did this actually. Was on my way to the Cherno tents for medical supplies, got shot by another player, spawned in Prigorodky, went back to my corpse and not only was everything pretty much still there, but my killer somehow thought some Lee Enfield mags were more important than the 2 morphine injectors, bloodbag, and tent he left on my body! Grabbed all my stuff and was on my way. Most successful death ever.
  3. perderders

    How the player's health should be restored

    I think it should be a bit similar to Minecraft; if you're well fed and watered your blood slooowly increases, but if you're full you can't eat anymore meat/beans.
  4. perderders

    @ Beginners..no gun start is not impossible

    I got started with Day Z AFTER they removed the spawning with guns, and I have to say I like it this way a lot and found it to be extremely exciting. Sure I died the first 4 spawns rather quickly as I learned the ropes, but once I figured out how to move around without being spotted I was a fine for a good 10 hour character until I broke my legs closing a door on myself. If they gave me a gun from the beginning I think it’d take away from the intensity of those first few minutes, and you don’t really learn how to carefully approach settlements. However I do think they need to give you a way to defend yourself, so as a compromise I’d like to see you start off with a hatchet or something. If anything a hatchet is more important early on.