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About Aydjile

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  1. Please upvote if you feel that current inactive doors are misleading and they should look like barricaded with planks, chained, broken, jammed etc. Lets the convince the devs to redesign textures on unopenable doors. So we won't waste our time with broken immersion.
  2. Aydjile

    Has Anyone Else lost Faith in Dayz?

    nope. i haven't lost any hopes. :)
  3. Aydjile

    Plan for release of 0.45 to Stable

    why? just go do something with your life. jesus.
  4. Aydjile

    Plan for release of 0.45 to Stable

    just because of your post - you made the whole forum stupider. shame on you. <_<
  6. Aydjile

    Plan for release of 0.45 to Stable

    guys, i was wondering about chernarus map. we getting new cities and locations in patches but the map still the same size. would i ever hope for something like this?
  7. Aydjile

    map and spawnpoint

    does anyone knows if devs planning to make map larger? its seems that they adding towns but map remains the same.
  8. Aydjile

    DayZ: Namalsk

    Guys, lets convince Sumrak to make Namalsk for Standalone!
  9. Aydjile

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113860

    Hello devs and survivors. So we have hard core sim with realistic details on so such small scale its mind bugging, for example - if you open can with an axe, you gonna spill half your beans all over the place because the axe is not proper tool for this task. And just right there - you have the feature to zoom your vision (telescopes in your skull?) four times closer with a simple mouse click, despite that there is no such thing with iron sights or acog. And this feature also make binoculars or other optical devices - useless. So my question to the devs - why this zoom feature in the game? Thank you.
  10. Yes, I did. And hated this feature all the same. And I do understand concepts of "focusing" and "squinting" for the game's sake. But alas, not in this significant magnification. This "natural" zooming is same powerful as 4x scope. I find it quite unrealistic. I would say - when binoculars and civilian monocles will be implemented, remove this feature.
  11. So i guess, no one thinks this zoom out of game's scope? Odd, I've thought it's all about getting close to realistic survival. Alright then.
  12. Hello devs and survivors. So we have hard core sim with realistic details on so such small scale its mind bugging, for example - if you open can with an axe, you gonna spill half your beans all over the place because the axe is not proper tool for this task. And just right there - you have the feature to zoom your vision (telescopes in your skull?) four times closer with a simple mouse click, despite that there is no such thing with iron sights or acog. And this feature also make binoculars or other optical devices - useless. So my question to the devs - why this zoom feature in the game? Thank you.
  13. Aydjile

    DayZ: Namalsk

    hey sumrak, why the bunker at A2 is not pitch black? we kinda missing out on the potential horror here. like its suppose to be. ^_^
  14. Aydjile

    DayZ: Namalsk

    thank you for awesome map, Sumrak.