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Everything posted by Shawdey

  1. Shawdey

    I never got the scare factor

    the dying breath of the last visitors haunt you, soon it will be your breath haunting others
  2. looking for some aussie players, im 14 and looking for some people in that age group, dont care if your a noob or whatever hit me up on skype: Dayzwtf steam: shawdey
  3. Shawdey

    need a group

    im 14 and played dayz for ages and im from australia skype Dayzwtf
  4. like the title says, it freezes to the point where my leds on keyboard wont respond, i have to shutdown by holding down the power button which is not good for my computer, it didnt do this at start but now it might do it every 30 mins
  5. Shawdey

    Dayz Keeps Freezing my computer

    ill talk to u later gotta go
  6. Shawdey

    Dayz Keeps Freezing my computer

    Gpu temp, after about 20 mins of play
  7. Shawdey

    Dayz Keeps Freezing my computer

    shit sorry not degrees Celsius lol degrees would melt the thing
  8. Shawdey

    Dayz Keeps Freezing my computer

    ive done that heaps, im using commander, my temp is about 75 degrees
  9. Shawdey

    Dayz Keeps Freezing my computer

    how do u scale it back mine was factory oc
  10. Shawdey

    Dayz Keeps Freezing my computer

    Yea sorry about that Specs 4Gb ram Gtx 550 ti 2.8 Ghz I dont have anything special about my computer It never used to do this
  11. lol u can put tents in rocks and shit
  12. Any1 one wanna have a utes group? Skype R3DR4D im 14 btw
  13. ive only had "good" hacking happen to me, like 20 spawned helicopters in kamenka
  14. Shawdey

    Cars rare ?!

    go on high pop servers, hackers spawn shit
  15. i killed a guy called danger dad, i had a noob freind who just spawned and danger had alot of good shit, m4a1 cco sd, nv googles and all that type of rare shit, i couldnt carry any of it cos my pack was full from a sniper rifle that i found, my freind couldnt find me so i logged out. 10 mins later danger dad was looting the body with his freind when i logged in, i sprayed with my fal and got them both, i couldnt carry anything so i hide the bodys so they cant loot them again after that i lose my FUCKING FAL, too bad i hid the bodys... sorry about that but you shouldnt shoot me then walk at me like a reatrd thinking im not gonna kill you
  16. im bored and awanna team up with some aussies im 14 btw Skype: R3DR4D addd meee i wanna fuck shit up
  17. Shawdey


    just found a m107 im gonna have fun