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Everything posted by nevillebartos

  1. nevillebartos

    Admin Abuse on a few servers.

    Just got to laugh if people are really throwing away money on servers solely to get gear which will be regularly wiped anyway, you can spend 20 minutes looting the right places and get geared enough to pvp anyway. Let them waste their money, who cares.
  2. When you spawn in, just run north, keep running north until you are close to starvation/dehydration, find a town, good chance if you have run far enough that there will be loot, at least food and water, then keep running north again, town hop, before you know it you'll have more loot than you can carry, even on high pop servers, the northern towns are untouched. Pretty easy to survive when you get away from the picked dry coastal towns. If you get an east coast spawn, or inland, you wont have to run far to find the things you need to survive.
  3. nevillebartos

    Everyone relax!

    Agreed, I assume most the people complaining weren't around to experience all the problems when the mod first went huge. You can tell this game is built on a much better framework, I'm really enjoying the alpha even with it's bugs and unfinished features, the features and content included so far are brilliant, going to be amazing when it gets near release.
  4. nevillebartos

    [VIDEO] Drinking the disinfectant spray.

    I was super tempted to drink the alcoholic tincture sitting in my bag earlier, just to see what happens, glad I didn't now.
  5. There seems to be a heap of standalone related discussion going on in the dayz mod section, it's a bit of a clusterfuck to read, maybe a portal or something to separate the 2 would be good.
  6. nevillebartos

    Split the forum board - Dayz mod and Dayz

    I realise this, but there doesn't seem to be enough of a distinction, or people cant read/forum very well. Either way it is a problem.
  7. nevillebartos

    [DAYZ SA] - ultimate Q&A

    what features will there be for tracking others? eg. footprints, blood trails etc.
  8. nevillebartos

    [DAYZ SA] - ultimate Q&A

    will we get enhanced ballistics? realistic windage/elevation calculation and adjustment on long range scopes.
  9. nevillebartos

    [DAYZ SA] - ultimate Q&A

    How do they plan to get around the 3rd person view exploits?
  10. nevillebartos

    [DAYZ SA] - ultimate Q&A

    will there be weapon resting?
  11. nevillebartos

    [DAYZ SA] - ultimate Q&A

    Will there be more options in post processing effects, eg. the option to have bloom but not depth of field or motion blur.
  12. I dont understand how you can have faith in the development of the mod but not the SA, the mod isn't even about survival anymore, it's just pvp.
  13. Did you go by the same name in PR? I used to wake up at 4am every morning for a while there just to play that damn mod because it never took off in Australia lol, my alias was Keithy George then btw. edit.. eh probably should have slung you a pm, dont wanna derail this thread again lmao
  14. There was the introduction of interpolation around the time PR became popular, warping issues were identified by the large amounts of PvP players new to the community and not long after BIS had a solution, wasn't really a problem before then as most the online communities were tactical/coop based.
  15. nevillebartos

    Standalone planned for June

    My thoughts, its June and I'm drier than a dead dingos donger in the dirt. (I need a beer) also the BI studio in Prague has been affected by the floods somewhat apparently (travel issues, power outages), so that may delay things.
  16. Really? I've never noticed blood trails in A2CO, sure it wasn't a part of ACE mod or something? Actually after a quick google it looks like this feature is in A3 but not A2. (A2 ACE mod has it though)
  17. Yes this is groundbreaking shit. Anyone expecting a pristine alpha coated in titty sprinkles needs to realise that BIS will be working on this game for years. Just shut down the forums/bug trackers down for a week after each release.
  18. That would be a great solution!
  19. So weapon resting has been mentioned or confirmed by the devs? excellent if so, always annoyed me that BI even bothered to model bipods that weren't functional. Guess I'll just have to wait for the alpha to see about the other things... had hoped some of them would have been mentioned. Yeah I realise the limitations of first person view, I just hate the fact you can lay behind a low wall for example completely out of view of anyone that walks by while tracking their every movement, that kinda shit outweighs any positive of having a realistic fov, really breaks PvP gameplay.
  20. i'm no expert but it should be as simple as matching camo textures with land textures shouldnt it? arma 2 land textures seem overly bright in colour and low res, or something. Also, I havent been keeping up with the devblogs, could someone tell me if there is any info regarding any of the following issues/ideas in SA? Weapon Resting - something BI have ignored since forever in the Arma series, much less complex games like RO2 have done this very well, both Arma and Dayz need this. All or nothing Post Processing options - give me bloom please but not DOF and motion blur, currently its all or nothing in Arma. 3rd person view - this needs to go, completely. Proper ballistics - realistic windage/elevation calculation and adjustment for rifles. Tracking - players leave sporadic footprints for a certain distance behind them, blood trails following wounded players. Cheers.
  21. Just a random thought but would there could be more than one shipwreck on the whole map. Been on a few surf charter boats around Indonesia and its not unusual to see more than one shipwreck on the same coastline.
  22. I'll be in the wheelhouse making fog horn noises. @ echo that spot off skallisty is what I thought too, limited places to camp/snipe it, and a linear path to access it should make things interesting.
  23. So true I loved the mod in its first few months because of this, cant get back into it now, just going to wait on the SA because the mod has just become somewhat of a deathmatch where surviving against the environment is irrelevant.
  24. Seeing more content like this makes me very happy, will make the SA so much more interesting especially for those of us that have been tooling around in Chernarus for a few years now. Personally I think it would go nicely sitting on a reef/sandbar off the coast of Skallisty Island, or somewhere difficult to get to. Possibly even off the coast of Utes Island if that is still being included.