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Baka Survivor

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Everything posted by Baka Survivor

  1. Baka Survivor

    L85 Should it stay or go

    That scope is very very overpowered so I would like it removed. Also contrary to what most people seem to say, L85 is not inaccurate at all, in fact it is very accurate for an AR if you don't mess with its default zeroing. I had one for a long time and tested it a lot. Only thing it is not good for is close quarters (if you don't have crosshairs) because of the magnifying scope. If it is removed it needs to be banned so that it cannot be spawned by skiddies.
  2. Baka Survivor

    Asking people if they are friendly?

    Holding someone at gunpoint and demanding they drop their weapon is an act aggression to me. It's similar to what the old skool bandits used to do. If someone came to me yelling me to drop my gun and threatening with violence if i didn't, I'd take that as an aggressive act for sure. And I would never ever drop my weapon at gunpoint, never, so shootout would follow. Not a good way to make friends at all.
  3. Baka Survivor

    Stealth Vs. Speed

    I crouch run and keep my gun lowered for better concealment and for looking less threatening should I be observed or accidentally bump into a friendly player. I frequently use alt to look around and stop quite frequently to listen to the surroundings and catch my breath. If i hear shots I investigate. Surprisingly many times have randomly encountered players in the woods, even on very low population servers. Usually they did not even know I was there as they were sprinting past.
  4. Baka Survivor

    Why the skin system is fine...for now

    Hero skin mechanic is flawed IMO. I don't see why hero skin isn't just a medic skin in the first place as medical aid is the only way to achieve it. Not by helping others by giving food, equipment, killing bandits, zeds etc. Most probably achieve by repeatedly patching up their own clan buddies anyway. Unattainable to lone wolf who doesn't want to play medic.
  5. Baka Survivor

    Would you quit if servers went expert?

    I don't think we need magical periscopes in DayZ. Hardcore servers are almost completely unpopulated, which is sad.
  6. Baka Survivor

    How many FN FALs have you had at one time?

    How did you get the radio?
  7. Baka Survivor

    Tent Help

    What SystemiK just described mathces my experince as well. Saving in the tents works just fine, it used to be bugged so that only the initial save worked. Now it seems that you can pitch a tent easily anywhere, but after the first restart tents may move a bit if they are inside a tree, in the slope, or inside a rock. If that happens your items are destroyed. After the first restart they don't move anymore, hence things stay there. Sometimes tents just don't spawn at all and you'll have to wait for a new restart. Have not and will not try if duping works. I know duping is widespread, but personally I think it is just as bad as hacking items in, it ruins the game. Also if caught by admin providing evidence from the logs it is a bannable offense.
  8. :lol: You might wanna try something else for that. Otherwise, my setup is identical: l85 to be able to see even the ghillie-suited undesirables, proning in the bushes, at night and 1 kilometer away. M14 for effective PvP if needed, M9SD for headshotting zombies that get too close. If i had to keep just one weapon, it would be M14 AIM. Just an all-around beast.
  9. Hey guys, had fun last night playing on your server, decided to try a private hive server for the first time. Found myself wondering how to play in this apparently more tighly knit and perhaps friendlier community with a side chat on and all. I usually play a lone wolf who avoids trouble by avoiding other players, wasn't sure what to do if someone asks "anyone in cherno?" while I was there :P. Stalked some of you guys loot Cherno hospital from roughly 30 meters away, was looting the apartments opposite when suddenly a chick with M14 and roadflares showed up with bunch of guys with vehicles. I guess I should have anounced my presence to meet some friendlies (?), but my chernarus woodhermit instincts took over I just observed what you guys were up to. Anyway, seems like a great server to play on, looking forward to some fun times.
  10. Baka Survivor

    Standalone Poll: First Person Only?

    I play on first person servers only, wouldn't mind if there was no option at all for 3rd person. Intense, immersive and hardcore is how I like this mod. Its just too bad that when noob crutches like crosshairs, nametags and magical periscopes are a server option like they are now, it seems impossible to find a veteran/expert server with more than 1-5 people playing.
  11. Baka Survivor

    free supplies...or I need a tent

    Well, it is a bit risky to dump your gear as it can disappear into the ground sometimes, someone might take it or the server could restart.
  12. Baka Survivor

    Message to the Hackers

    Well, what is he saying exactly? I'm a bit confused here.
  13. Baka Survivor

    Shoot on sight vs The No.1 rule of DayZ

    True, and actually I wouldn't mind some really HUGE hordes of random zombies in the wild on occasion. Now the woods feel too safe on low pop servers.
  14. Baka Survivor

    Shoot on sight vs The No.1 rule of DayZ

    From my point of view, you SHOULD get attached to your gear. You have to work hard to earn, you want to preserve it. I approach this game as a kind of survival simulator, not a carefree run-and-gun deathmatch. Permadeath has a meaning only if you have something to lose. What else do you have to lose than your hard earned gear that you spent days or weeks in gathering? Nothing wrong in getting attached to your gear. It is a big part of what makes this so intense and unique. It is also why I am wary of other players. p.s. yeah bugs and hackers may ruin it for you, but it is what it is, I guess.
  15. Baka Survivor

    Tents Fixed?

    Yes, apparently tents can move a bit after the first restart if they were placed inside a tree, a rock, in the slope etc. If they move, they destroy stuff inside. After the first restart they won't move anymore, they just vanish every once in a while :rolleyes: If they are destroyed by others, they remain there flattened. So if your tent survives the first restart, and later on there is nothing there, you'll just have to wait for another restart.
  16. Baka Survivor

    Tents Fixed?

    It sometimes needs another restart to come back again. Sometimes my tent vanishes after many succesfull restarts, it will come back and vanish again every once in a while.
  17. Baka Survivor

    I'm sick of KoS bandits and cowards

    Well, unnecessary killing of unthreatening players is not my cup of tea either, but I'm willing to accept that in a lawless post-apocalyptic world douchebags and gangs of murderers will run rampant. I don't like it, but I feel I just need to adapt to it accordingly. During this "life" I have been spawning on the coast probably ten times with or without my gear due to bugs by the way, never once ran around there long enough to get shot at.
  18. Baka Survivor

    Why is the M14 so overlooked?

    Burst fire with FN-FAL is pretty useless due to high recoil, rare ammo and the fact that double tap to center mass is more than enough to kill any player. I've had a FN-FAL and while it is terrific gun in itself, I find M14 superior or at least equal in every way. Some may prefer the iron sights to CCO and darker (more camouflage) colour of the FN-FAL though.
  19. Baka Survivor

    Underrated Weapons

    Besides M14, I think AKS-74U and M16A2 are a bit underrated. AKS-74U is a terrific close quarters weapon, amazingly quick to handle and gets stuck indoors less than pistols. Quiet, common ammo, more compact and better sights than Kobra IMO. M16A2 is very accurate at longer medium ranges, adequate at CQ too. Better than its reputation I quess. Also, for some reason most people seem to think that L85A2 AWS is terribly inaccurate. I find that if I don't mess with default zeroing of 300m, it is one of the more accurate ARs out there.
  20. Baka Survivor

    dayz players are racist

    I play as a black man, but thats because I feel the dark skin is stealthier in bushes, shadows etc. I'm a stealthy lonewolf, I don't want to be seen and any advantage for survival is good. Don't know about racism at all, I expect to be shot at by everybody anyway.
  21. Baka Survivor

    too many 50 cal snipers

    For me it seems like CZ 550 is harder to come by than .50-cal AM-rifles. Yes, its fucked up. Helicrashes are not that uncommon and duping/hacking has ridiculously inflated the rare loot ratio. Thermal scopes and guns that can oneshot you from 1 km away are not nearly as rare as they should be.
  22. Baka Survivor

    Why is the M14 so overlooked?

    M14 is my favourite gun of all. It is basically a powerful sniper rifle with great CQ-optics and firing rate almost comparable to full-auto ARs. Almost OP compared to most guns, no bullet drop until 400-500 meters, sniper-level accuracy, does more than twice the damage of most ARs and has the best sights in the game for close quarter combat. The recoil is surprising low, MUCH better than FN-FAL's. Also, it looks like a boss and sounds like a boss. There hardly any cons, except it is really loud. It will draw zombies and intimidate players from quite long distances. It took me a long time to find one and I too was prepared to ditch any gun I had at moment for it. Eventually found one at helicrash, but kept the L85A2 AWS I was carrying too. Now I'm looking for another M14 to stash in my tent as a backup.
  23. Baka Survivor

    Tent mechanics - please clarify

    I pitched a tent yesterday. It was in a slope amid pine trees. Pitching went fine at first try, but afterwards I couldn't save it or pack it up. I could access the menu, but there were only options for 'gear at old camping tent' and 'gear', no options for saving or packing. Like it was someone elses tent. Needless to say, the tent was wiped out at a server restart. Is this a common bug?
  24. Baka Survivor

    I am so confused, please advise

    Yes you encountered hackers, script kiddies. Alt + F4 kills the application, although i think in game you need to press Esc first. Not sure, never actually tried. Apparently some hacks gray out the abort option from the game menu and you have to kill the game, as logging out fast may save your character when teleported by hackers.
  25. Baka Survivor

    how to save a game?

    As The-Old said, your characters inventory and progress is saved automatically to the hive and is not server dependent. Tents have been bugged for a long time, apparently they save now properly, but they are bound to the one server where you pitched them.