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About Savage117

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    On the Coast
  1. I agree the darkness needs to be addressed in some way. I don’t understand why people are so hot on defending the current setup, its obvious some people just plain cant see without a light source, changing gamma and brightness does nothing and honestly shouldn’t have to be done just to make the game playable, and the only thing that they can see are stars. None of you can deny that using flares frequently to navigate through this absolute darkness, is foolhardy at best, and absolute death at worst, how is that fun, seriously? To those who say "use glow-sticks" you have to find them first, and that means using flares, its unavoidable, and to a new player likely game breaking. I started this mod at night and my ping was too high to be any fun on an EU server, so I stuck with it anyway and found that cranking my gamma and brightness up allowed to at least discern shapes of things around me, it looked ugly but I could play, but it felt like cheating because for other people the gamma brightness trick doesn’t work, iv got the hang of surviving in the dark, navigation is still a bitch, but I do fine, to a new or casual player its probably maddening. In real life everybody has differences in night vision, some cant see a foot in front of them with anything less than full moon light while others can see in full moon light almost as if it was day. I personally can see the shape of my computer desk, my bed, and many other objects in my room with all light sources off and my window covered by a black coverlet at 1 am, I cant even see the horizon in this game when the moon isn’t out and the stars are the only thing in the sky, let alone the outline of a house or prowling zombie. I’m not asking to make it super visible like most other games, just enough so that I can see the shape of things around me at a reasonable distance, say 5-10 feet without a personal light source, nothing more, I agree the night needs to still hold some mystery, otherwise it wouldn’t be fun and nerve wracking, like a horror game should be. But the current way of things is going to lose players further down the road when the mod comes out of alpha, and that means less players to co-operate with or steal from. Here's an idea, maybe players having problems should take screen shots to show what they can and cannot see without a personal light source, and with reasonable graphics settings. Then maybe some of you that don’t have problems can see what all the fuss is about. P.S. In my opinion the gamma+brightness thing is an exploit because it gives some players an unfair advantage while for others it doesn’t work.
  2. Savage117

    Moderators please revive my health.

    Jeez guys, god, its people like you that make online gaming such a hostile place, its a game, not a place for people to show how manly and tough they are, and how many beer cans they can crush on their heads, guess what, I don’t care, its just another form of crying, so follow your own advice and suck it up and shut up. Now that that is out of the way, to the OP, unfortunately death is part of the game THUNDERMINE, and it is alpha so there will be some minor annoying bugs and some major rage inducing ones. With your current problem all you will have to do is wait for the hourglass to empty or your blood to drain, you will die and then you get to start the adventure all over again, go get all that stuff you lost again, and maybe if you like, hunt down your killer and he can have his turn at turning the surface of Chernarus red. If for any reason your character wont die, or keeps spawning dead after following the above instructions then its a bug, report it in the bug thread and hope its fixed soon, or maybe someone in the troubleshooting section can help you. Back to the useless unhelpful posters, now was that so hard? Seriously, id swear the human race is DE-evolving back into cave men, with the way people act in online games, sheesh you have a brain, USE IT!!!
  3. Savage117

    Night Time light suggestion

    I agree with everything here and id like to add some of my own opinions and ideas. My first idea is for the flashlight, the hand held one that takes up the pistol slot, my only problem with this flashlight is the fact that it takes up just as much storage space as a pistol, I don’t mind that it takes up the pistol slot, that makes sense to me, what doesn’t make sense to me is that it takes up 3/4ths of the space in my pack, I will always pass one of these up because of that, I cant store it, and my pistol is much more important, even if I have a primary weapon with plenty of ammo. There is no incentive to use this device it just isn’t useful enough for survival, and possibly detrimental. Second, the location of the flares and glow-sticks on the model, I know its already been said hundreds of time but I want to say it again. In a real situation a person isn’t going to hold a bright object in a dark setting right in front of his/her face, it ruins all vision beyond the light source, and arma did a good job of simulating this. Maybe make it so the character holds it in his other hand off to the side, or below sight level, and make a persons accuracy suffer for the lack of a steadying hand, or clip it to the vest. I don’t think you should be able to clip a flare to your chest or anywhere on your person, Hello! Its fire people, why would you attach it to a flammable object, especially one holding ammo, and all your provisions. Last but not least, as another poster said, more permanent light sources in the world, just enough so you could make out a town, or city in the distance. These things are pretty important to me, my first experience of this mod wasn’t very promising because of the issues I had with night in this game. When I first tried this game it was night time on every server I tried, my ping was just too high on any of the EU servers. Every server I went to was absolutely pitch black with the standard contrast and brightness settings, I had no way to navigate and I had no idea where I was. When i used a flare, I could see the ground around me but nothing outside the circle of light, this detracted from the mod for me, not only do I have to travel large distances on foot to find anything, but I could easily walk right past a house or town without ever knowing it was there, and im a easy target for another player. It was so black all I could see were stars and a horizon line, anything under that horizon line was impossible to make out.
  4. Savage117

    Forget direction, get dynamic!

    I agree this is a good idea, and it makes sense for this mod. Very good idea, you have my endorsement.
  5. Savage117

    More incentive for teamwork

    Currently there are more incentives to work together than alone. 1) More people means more security from bandits and other dangers, it also means more eyes to spot said dangers. If I were a lone bandit watching 4 survivors working together, my chances of taking that group would be very low, you shoot one guy and all the rest will try to kill you. 2) As of now there is only one thing I noticed needs team work, blood transfusion, if another player doesn’t do this for you, you recover your lost blood at a very slow pace, which is realistic. As a Bandit getting someone to help you with this would be difficult and dangerous, if you approach a survivor they are more likely to shoot you than help, and with a Bandit they are also more likely to shoot you then waste a blood pack on a weak and obviously incompetent bandit, competent bandits don’t get shot. :) I honestly think the current system is very good, except the whole shooting someone in self defense can get you marked as a bandit thing, that can ruin your game experience. Unfortunately today’s society is full of players who are more focused on instant gratification. If I shoot that survivor ill get lots of loot right now instead of having to look for it, and believe me, a survivor is not "easy loot" that’s another player your shooting at, he/she will be able to do anything you can do, its a contest of skill and intelligence. I for one am not gonna go down easy. As an example I will use one of my own experiences, I was approaching an airfield on one of my lives, and I heard these are good places for good loot, but they are dangerous because bandits know this too, I was sneaking around and found a silent MP5, this is an awesome weapon for a bandit but it also works for me because now I can take out Zeds without a horde descending on me, as I looked around I heard shots coming from the control tower, I called out several times on different channels to see who was there but got no answer, this should have been an indicator that what I was going to do next was a very stupid idea, but I didn’t listen to my conscience. I went to investigate, my thought was, if its a survivor he is probably in bad trouble at the moment and I could probably help, if its a bandit I feel justified killing him and making the area a safer place for other survivors, not to mention what ever loot he had stolen from other survivors. To make a long story short, I made a horrible tactical mistake in thinking he was not prepared for my silenced MP5, he wasn’t, but he had a better position and a better gun for the moment, and so I was gunned down, I did hit him and he was probably injured, but I was still dead. What you should learn from this is, the bandit had no advantage over me that was based on game balance or the game engine, he had a tactical advantage, one I could have easily exploited had I thought about it at the time, I could have just left, or got a better position to see who or what was in the tower, instead I chose to put myself at a hefty disadvantage.
  6. Savage117

    Winchester 1833

    I dont know about this rifle in particular, but I do know some little things that are interesting about the Winchester. 1) You load the ammunition like a modern pump action shotgun, you press the ammo into a slot in the side of the gun and the rounds are lined up inside under the barrel, this gives the rifle a pretty good round capacity. 2) He is probably using shotgun rounds for the rifle because those are the only rounds that use that reload animation, the real rifle I think uses a 45 caliber slug, not completely sure on that, and that round doesnt exist in the game yet. The Winchester is a very unique rifle and changed the way armaments were made in its time, wouldnt have been my first choice to add to the mod but I can see how it would probably be a common find in a 3rd world country or even a moderateley wealthy country.
  7. Savage117

    spawn at temporary Spawn point in the woods

    This is also happening to me, I cant play the mod since 7pm PST 05/16, I have tried nine different servers in several different parts of the world and same thing every time, wait 10 or so minutes at the "Waiting for server response" screen and im back in the forest. Date/time: 05/16 7pm 1900 PST Where you were: Before the glitch my character was in Electro. What you were doing: I was checking a open building when i got the "no message sent for x seconds" message and was disconnected. Current installed version: 1.5.7 My system specs: Windows 7Home premium, Intel Core Duo 3.0GHz 8192MB of RAM, 2x Nvidia 250 graphics cards(SLI).