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Everything posted by lik

  1. well i was playing yesterday, i got that ban, but it was instantly removed... today i logged in, played, but after the server restarted, i got it again something like ban by admin, remote exectuion blahblahblah... what is it? and could anyone please help me out by going on that server and asking the admin to remove it? :)
  2. well i never hacked nor i will hack in this game... but i did read on google that there was crap like that going on from some patch... but then again, admins might just be mad with me that i found their chopper... =\
  3. lik


    Age (Don't lie!): 18 Location: Isarel Do you have skype?: Yes. Is your mic of a good quality?: Should be. Secret word 1: crooked Do you accept our terms/behaviour as a clan?: Yes. Secret word 2: The Do you swear loyalty to the clan?: I Do. Why do you want to join?: kinda bored, so new experiences are great :)
  4. lik

    US 373 pussies

    doesn't change the point you ALT F4'ed i lost my gear so many times, but HAD SO MUCH FUN playing then ALT F4 just to save my stupid gear... its a game you are supposed to die if you do a mistake and not THINK through your actions edit::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: forgot the best part... Hackers so called couldn't just NUKE the fuck out of stary to kill you? or just teleport you to themselves ?
  5. lik

    Fucking Humanity...

    well i got like -49K humanity but i'm actually really friendly and always trying to save someone... even saved a WHOLE bus which for some reason exploded... tho i did not have epi pens but i had 4 blood bags and 5 bandages so i just dragged everyone from the burning bus, bandaged them and blood baged them and ran away (because of my bandit skin)
  6. Rofl... the skin change stole my packpack.... 2 times XD
  7. lik

    Trading "Revolver Gold" for your offers.

    Its just a stupid revo... having a gold one is EPIC. its not like the owner is going to kill someone with it =O
  8. lik

    Be creative.

    i'd actually enjoy a game with you... i just had an AS50, L85, M9SD GPS/NVG/Rangefinder... EVERYTHING. when someone came near me... i kill him on sight... (too scared to lose the gear) so what i did was... 5 minutes ago i went to a random place... dropped all my gear (nobody will find it, nor would i... didn't try to remember the server) now i'm a bandit with 10 kills... 1 bandit kill and -41K humanity (god i'm bad...) so now i'm runing around with a bandit skin with no weapon... anyone got a TS i could join and go for a LULZRUN in cherno?
  9. lik

    teleporting to the coast

    same... like 6th time right now and just wanted to check if i'm not the only one.... i'm too scared of going on highpop. servers...
  10. lik

    Looking to team up

    Wow... no wonder syprus... seems like you are not the kind of person i thought you were =\
  11. i'm on 95417 i don't want to update... if its working and most servers on it - stay on it. only updating DayZ. anyways, iv'e got plenty of these "you were kicked from the game (battleye global ban)" but i can keep on going on other servers and keep playing...
  12. hi there mate:) i'm kinda looking for a perm server with a team of 6 guys, and i saw your post so if you won't mind us joining, we gladly would :)
  13. are they ingame? just found 1, is it ingame? and can i use it? cause iv'e seen videos of people using them but i'm not sure they are in game... and i don't want to get banned....
  14. wow :) i'm soo happy that iv'e found it now :) going to have some fun in cherno's firestation then :P thanks guys! :)
  15. lik

    Found Soldier Clothing

    wow =O well sorry then... guess he got banned for something else... o.O
  16. lik

    Found Soldier Clothing

    Don't take it, a person i played with before got banned the moment he tried to equip it (BATTLEYE global ban) not kidding... i wouldn't risk it tbh...
  17. lik


    it is. found it 6 days ago - heli crash... lost it because my backpack was full... :( using DMR now... lol
  18. well yesterday i came across some friendlies and i was pretty happy they didn't shoot me on spawn... i was yelling friendly in the microphone and they replied yes :) and if i see someone i'm kinda trying to help most of the time, offering bandages and food to people i see in need... tho some bastard actually stole my silenced CCO ;(
  19. i went there just once.... found a backpack... took it... on my way out i went around the wall so i won't keep going on the main road, went to the bathroom and i found myself laying unconscious... no blood lost... no nothing. on my way out, i heard some strange noises from the tower. and i ran.
  20. lik

    Worst Way You Ever Died

    a stupid zombie pushed me... somehow i broke a leg... and i was between stary sobor and the airfield.... got bored of going sooo slowly... "respawn" there goes my equipment