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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. Hi Sorry just realised my Guid was entered wrong :) 023df5c5f1787bb4507a3f72814e3bc8
  2. Hi Panda i was wondering how long it maybe before you decide if i can be white listed.? Many thanks
  3. - Name Daniel - Location England - GUID 023dfc5f1787bb4507a3f72814e3bc8 - Brief statement explaining why you wish to play on UK#10 I am an avid Dayz player and have been playing a few private hives but the admins abuse there powers.I have heard noting but great things about this hive and would love to be a part of this .Many thanks for your time.
  4. You all have the option to use 3rd person so nobody has an advantage on you. It's up to you if you don't want to use it.
  5. War z will not be better than standalone.
  6. Do you not read before you post? Rocket clearly stars this would be a problem till next fix.
  7. Thank rocket your the man! And also the backpack glitch happens to me everytime I put ghillie on my backpack is refreshed to what ever b.p I had before the one ingot on and it's empty. Keep up the good work I love this mod.
  8. No wrong server version for me. I'm on
  9. Haha sorry just read your reply again seems my nvg would be worthless for a trade :)
  10. Ok thanks. Btw anyone wanna trade for a ghillie? I have mountain dew nvg ranger finders etc? Thank you
  11. I have mountain dew and nvg for trade but don't know what for.
  12. I have a mountain dew and nvg for trade not sure what for though??!!! Any offers?
  13. That's practically my set up other than as50 I prefer dmr because u can use nvg with it and I'm a total legit player wouldn't even know how to hack/script plus I think it's totally mindless to do it and spoil a groundbreaking mod. This mod is awesome just wish the scriptors would ease up!! Nice find but don't get attached to it lol.
  14. This is wierd I logged out normally went to play again half hour later joined a diff server got stuck at loading Ctr alt and del to get out spawned in debug plains said I died there was bout 6 other players there I still had my ghillie nothing else so logged back on my normal server and I was bk on the coast with all my gear? Really wierd!!
  15. Ah fair enough it was more me clinging on to hope! Well it has def been quiet on the hacking side as far as the server I've been using but won't hold my breath. Just goes to show how enjoyable and how good this mod is when it's running kind of smoothly I no it has flaws but no means least it's a great concept and really fun to play!
  16. I could be wrong but I've updated my arma2 version and only join servers with the same and everytime someone trys teleporting or hacks it kicks them and tells u in the chat in the right of the screen. What I'm asking is if the server ur playing on is the latest update of arma2 they can't hack it?? Thanks for feed back. I've have not been in a hacked server for 3 days since update and really enjoying playing ????
  17. I'll be on tonight at 7pm 100% message me when u want to trade and I'll add you on Skype
  18. Sorry guys won't make it on until tomorow at 7pm hope this is ok.
  19. Unless bat flaps we trade tonight because we're same time zone then I will trade tomorrow for the as50?? I'll be in at 7pm this eve??
  20. It's 12pm in the afternoon here so will be on in 7hours? I know 2 very good servers but we can discus later what server. Obviously after I trade I have a Cz550 I don't want did you want this at all?
  21. I am more than fine with that deal. The l85 is good for thermal and very usefull but in my experience the silence cco is so much better for kills but yes the thermal is awesome and Saves me A few times Untill I was shot in the Back while fill my water bottle Up! There are Quite a few Around ATM but mainly with players/bandits. Where shall we set the meet? Are you both genuine?