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SwissArmy (DayZ)

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About SwissArmy (DayZ)

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  1. SwissArmy (DayZ)

    BAF and PMC DLCs

    Bought everything from BIS (Sprocket). Hate Steam because it's a real pain to use. Will run the patches and report the results. Thanks.
  2. SwissArmy (DayZ)

    BAF and PMC DLCs

    There are update patches for BAF and PMC? Didn't run those. Here is what I did: I simply installed BAF and PMC on top of Arma II CO with DayZ already installed too ( I bought BAF and PMC back around March of last year. I didn't run any patches for BAF or PMC. BAF ran smoothly with Arma II CO (version 1.62). I then reinstalled the most recent Beta patch of Arma II and reinstalled DayZ from DayZ Commander (and reinstalled a couple of the map packages too). When I ran DayZ, it said I did not have a copy of a whole bunch of CA_pmc and CA_baf PBO files that the server recognized. Does this have to do with not running whatever patch for BAF and PMC? The 'lite' versions with CO work fine...
  3. SwissArmy (DayZ)

    BAF and PMC DLCs

    Hi, After installing the BAF and PMC DLCs from Bohemia, DayZ does not work. Is not DayZ compatible with BAF and PMC? Is there a way around this other than uninstalling BAF and PMC? Sorry, searched for topic in forum but could not find a thread. Thanks for responses in advance.
  4. SwissArmy (DayZ)

    Change the Backpack carrying structure

    Yeah. I've backpacked with way more than I can carry in DayZ (2 rifles in pack, 600 rounds of mags, food, water, med kits, tent, sleeping bag, etc etc etc). On the other I would never go far with wheels and full jerry cans...
  5. SwissArmy (DayZ)

    Night Time .... lets take it seriously.

    No way; don't lock anything. I rely solely on my Intel HD Graphics internal card (one of the most basic; certainly not an nVidia or all the snazzy cards many of you have) and have no issues setting the gamma setting to the highest possible to be able to play at night. The only times it doesn't work well is when it is very heavily cloudy. I do most of my gaming at night because of the advantage over the zombies, not the players.
  6. Backpacks can carry a strange assortment and the space items occupy is at fault. I'm sorry in advance for bringing up something that has most likely already been covered. Does anyone seriously think that 24 bandages would use up a complete Coyote Backpack? Do you think you could easily find space for 4 full jerry cans? I would suggest increasing the number of slots for all backpacks and those for the body ex-backpack but changing the amount of space each item occupies so that the proportions between very different items are more realistic. I know this may mean a change to the Arma II system and is not related to DayZ directly, so perhaps Rocket could bring this up for an update in Arma II? Especially as there seems to be no plan to use Arma 3 as the basis of a DayZ extension.... Or am I getting this all wrong and Rocket has worked it into standalone?
  7. SwissArmy (DayZ)

    Build Rolling Update

    I concur. These aircraft types were fun to find. By the way, the word is 'purpose', not 'perpose'..... As to 50 cals, they were far too easy to find. I would have expected it would be easier to find a Dragunov (SVD). In any case, the Mosin-Nagant of WWII should appear more frequently as should the Mauser K98 as it was copied by a number of Eastern Bloc countries. And how about a scoped Mosin-Nagant? Get the base stats from the WWII mods for Arma II, including Iron Front 1944.
  8. I bought and played Arma II before DayZ was out. Arma II is fantastic. I still play on the servers. DayZ is fantastic too. There is little reason not to play both.
  9. SwissArmy (DayZ)

    Build Rolling Update

    Even if I asked for something else just earlier, a big thanks to the team for the work you did!
  10. SwissArmy (DayZ)

    Build Rolling Update

    Nice big sexist remark: they can now run around in bikinis to the male survivors' delight....
  11. SwissArmy (DayZ)

    Build Rolling Update

    So when will I be able to switch between using my hatchet, my rifle or my pistol? I.e. when will the hatchet be open for use once I have a rifle?
  12. Isn't the point to load up a Ural with Mountain Dews and distribute them to the players? I thought this was "Mountain Dew Tycoon with Zombies", no?
  13. SwissArmy (DayZ)

    were is the huey

    Huey is a very popular guy.....
  14. SwissArmy (DayZ)

    Cant Play Namalsk

    There are no special settings for Namalsk. Are you using DayZ Commander to start it up? Make sure you are up to date in all the mods.
  15. SwissArmy (DayZ)

    Everyone is a bandit on Namalsk

    Found both friendly and bandits. Also found lots of vehicles. Worth picking up tires, fuel parts, engines, etc fairly quickly. Also found lots of helicopter crashes which are great to get top-line gear.